Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(7901) 25217 joltcode Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 2005 556 556 3 0
(7901) 25217 tkykh tokushima 1997 556 556 16 0
(7903) 26991 Shoji_pg_love University of Aizu 2004 510 557 43 0
(7904) 26309 _tushar_19 Graphic Era Hill University 2002 527 557 33 0
(7905) 25178 lucasg05 University of Brasilia 557 557 10 0
(7905) 25178 tana01 国立台湾海洋大学, 情報科学学科,   National Taiwan Ocean University 2001 557 557 16 0
(7907) 25134 CloudsUnfolding Wuhan University 2003 558 558 19 0
(7907) 25134 bailu Shandong normal university 2002 558 558 3 0
(7909) 26111 f_matano44 明治大学 / Meiji University 2001 532 558 25 0
(7910) 29599 Tagsanov The university of Tokyo 1994 443 559 8 0
(7911) 29910 hide_take Panasonic Automotive Systems 1965 435 559 76 0
(7912) 25108 mattsuguuu Kyoto university 1998 559 559 15 0
(7913) 25712 nmnmnmnm Tokyo Institute of Technology 2004 543 559 45 0
(7914) 27585 SpiralForge Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad 2003 495 560 43 0
(7915) 26991 mochimkchiking 京都大学 / Kyoto University 2004 510 560 12 0
(7916) 25073 nithinraj04 National Institute of Technology, Calicut 2004 560 560 15 0
(7916) 25073 pretreer Charburg Economic Elementary School 2010 560 560 11 0
(7918) 26032 uttam96645 Lovely Professional University 2001 534 560 22 0
(7919) 25042 KiYOi naist 1997 561 561 66 0
(7920) 26032 Nyaa0422 The University of Electro-Communications 2000 534 561 43 0
(7921) 25042 asrawat2001 IIT Guwahati 2001 561 561 33 0
(7922) 25335 rlatjwls7882 Sejong University 553 561 18 0
(7923) 25013 anik_ewu East West University 1995 562 562 11 0
(7924) 25335 BaS_HI_O2 University of Tokyo 1999 553 563 30 0
(7925) 24975 Core2taro ITF. (University of Tsukuba) 2001 563 563 34 0
(7926) 25786 fmjp keio university 2001 541 563 22 0
(7927) 25607 hrns Saitama University 2003 546 563 35 0
(7928) 24975 parthib53 Daffodil International University 563 563 28 0
(7929) 25217 skybLue0 university of tokyo 2000 556 564 48 0
(7930) 24939 tkr555 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2003 564 564 18 0
(7931) 26554 yuzu_kirby Hosei University 2002 521 564 49 0
(7932) 25846 BlackPanthar IIT Guwahati 2004 539 565 3 0
(7933) 24908 DarkPine02 Tohoku University 2000 565 565 9 0
(7933) 24908 sugikyoya tohoku university 2003 565 565 15 0
(7935) 27988 ICHIO Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 1977 484 566 143 0
(7936) 26111 strint Yokohama National University 2003 532 566 51 0
(7937) 27064 JamesJiang MonotaRO Co., Ltd. 1997 508 569 43 0
(7938) 29485 Rosenkreuz The University of Tokyo 2000 446 569 58 0
(7939) 24763 Tomo271828 Keio University 2005 569 569 10 0
(7940) 26906 blankh Student 2001 512 569 8 0
(7941) 25372 kazuhito1986 SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. 1986 552 569 23 0
(7942) 30811 ToufiqueHusein North South University 2000 414 570 93 0
(7943) 24735 caioba Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte 2004 570 570 21 0
(7944) 24697 NekoNekoNeko Software Engineer 571 571 9 0
(7945) 24763 _yiiy Chengdu University 2002 569 571 26 0
(7946) 26309 anijus The University of Tokyo 2004 527 571 26 0
(7947) 24697 demitronization IIT Patna 2003 571 571 8 0
(7948) 25335 R0N0T Jaypee Institute of Information Technology 2001 553 572 22 0
(7949) 28317 ankushbhagat14 Delhi Technological University 2004 475 572 10 0
(7950) 24860 Prashantpx Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur 2000 566 573 10 0
(7951) 24624 RyukiTwit Kanazawa University 2002 573 573 58 0
(7952) 27389 ankit_varshney Delhi Technological University 2001 500 573 36 0
(7953) 25953 erdao The University of Tokyo 2002 536 573 21 0
(7954) 24624 tabounahimajin Osaka Metropolitan University 2003 573 573 41 0
(7955) 24591 MohaVelocity Tokyo Institute of Technology 2000 574 574 9 0
(7956) 25134 runlo Jimei University 2005 558 574 14 0
(7957) 24553 sajeedreefy21 International Islamic University Chittagong 1998 575 575 39 0
(7957) 24553 sansai EPeuxAMxdWGoTVvYknJLatQFg8eaF9 1999 575 575 27 0
(7957) 24553 ypraik817 Student 2003 575 575 11 0
(7960) 24517 Arickkaa Beijing University of Chemical Technology 2003 576 576 7 0
(7960) 24517 ice_Gooseberry hebtu 576 576 5 0
(7962) 25297 rooted_tree Student 554 576 6 0
(7963) 24490 garg_lucifer Delhi Technological University 2001 577 577 20 0
(7963) 24490 manmeetsingh National Institute of Technology , Raipur 2001 577 577 20 0
(7965) 24452 David9006 Nanjing Yutong Experimental School 2010 578 578 54 0
(7966) 27261 Dooo Keio University 1998 503 578 23 0
(7967) 26435 Kartiks National Institute of Technology, Calicut 524 578 21 0
(7968) 26111 Naruto10 International Islamic University Chittagong 2000 532 578 59 0
(7969) 27299 adunyan 京都大学/Kyoto University 1999 502 578 34 0
(7970) 25454 ktdotxyz Duality S.A 2001 550 578 8 0
(7971) 24410 Leningrad_Sniper International Institute of Information Technology,Hyderabad 2005 579 579 17 0
(7972) 25953 Ta_gee The University of Tokyo 1995 536 579 28 0
(7973) 24410 adilsadman60 Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University 2002 579 579 34 0
(7973) 24410 b_dhanush Mahindra University 2002 579 579 8 0
(7973) 24410 deegeedow Institut Teknologi Bandung 2002 579 579 5 0
(7973) 24410 naokey Saitama Univ. 2001 579 579 17 0
(7973) 24410 olff The University of Electro-Communications 2003 579 579 23 0
(7973) 24410 shikumafu Kyushu University 2000 579 579 31 0
(7979) 24376 Deadcoder11u2 zsencktv 2002 580 580 16 0
(7980) 30194 Shivisahu4 Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow 2000 428 580 68 0
(7981) 24334 ANKOB Suwa University of Science 2003 581 581 40 0
(7982) 24517 Hebiue Osaka University 576 581 11 0
(7983) 25217 kinsenka Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 556 581 26 0
(7984) 25134 nam3an2 Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar 2002 558 581 15 0
(7985) 24334 ryanyux Ikun University 1994 581 581 3 0
(7986) 24284 JuneOgust Tokyo University of Science 1997 582 582 14 0
(7986) 24284 Ryue Ritsumeikan University 2003 582 582 55 0
(7986) 24284 XqAiyee7 <functional> 2002 582 582 7 0
(7986) 24284 smasa_dev Hokkaido University 1998 582 582 11 0
(7990) 24334 Zyad_elnaghy Suez canal university 2003 581 583 21 0
(7991) 26032 ibuibukiki Hokkaido University 2000 534 583 28 0
(7992) 26706 kcbiradar Bangalore Technological Institute 2001 517 583 40 0
(7993) 24975 stratempest The University of Electro-Communications 563 583 34 0
(7994) 28443 thsrhwk01 Pusan National University 1999 472 583 3 0
(7995) 26554 ryuque RitsumeikanU 2000 521 585 20 0
(7996) 24162 FakeDuck student 2005 586 586 8 0
(7996) 24162 MugenNoKyosu National University of Singapore 2004 586 586 14 0
(7996) 24162 aniderencja ILO Białystok 2004 586 586 8 0
(7996) 24162 knowncold nothing 1997 586 586 20 0
(8000) 24553 mizuno_masaki Hosei University 2001 575 586 46 0