Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(3901) 39739 specdrake Delhi Technological University 2002 236 236 3 0
(3902) 82179 spookyayu Oxford University 2000 19 19 3 0
(3903) 75126 sushill ofton 2004 31 31 3 0
(3904) 80630 suyash20 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 2002 21 21 3 0
(3905) 76075 swastikjee Bachelor in Computer Science@IITKanpur 2003 29 29 3 0
(3906) 51332 t_haruki 名城大学/Meijo University 2004 123 123 3 0
(3907) 69704 tak5 tottori 1999 44 44 3 0
(3908) 75126 tapenori Hosei University 2003 31 31 3 0
(3909) 66970 tarek200 United International University 2000 52 52 3 0
(3910) 58845 tejasree2627 kluniversity 2004 82 82 3 0
(3911) 79981 theanishk Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 22 22 3 0
(3912) 78284 theparthway Mahindra University 25 25 3 0
(3913) 63455 threalslimshady Delhi Technological University 2021 64 64 3 0
(3914) 28417 thsrhwk01 Pusan National University 1999 472 583 3 0
(3915) 33753 trolgod0914 Undergraduate, School of Biology Sciences, Seoul National University 2001 343 343 3 0
(3916) 79411 tt99 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2002 23 23 3 0
(3917) 71272 tyantama Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 2003 40 40 3 0
(3918) 90999 typosonlr NITK Surathkal 2004 10 10 3 0
(3919) 55764 vaibhavdmohite22 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 2002 97 124 3 0
(3920) 62584 vibhu_4 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 2002 67 67 3 0
(3921) 81394 viratshrimali Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology 2005 20 20 3 0
(3922) 60493 vladislav_spigin Innopolis University 75 81 3 0
(3923) 63455 who_two_two Northeast Forestry and Aerospace University 2002 64 64 3 0
(3924) 74658 whoami3 National Institute of Technology Hamirpur 2002 32 32 3 0
(3925) 66075 wlantakumi Nagaoka ut 55 55 3 0
(3926) 30769 wolf359y Student 2003 414 414 3 0
(3927) 12058 wotairuole1 wotairuole 2023 1018 1018 3 0
(3928) 63455 wuwuuu hebtu 2005 64 64 3 0
(3929) 82179 yamagata445 SC1stJHSSTC 2010 19 19 3 0
(3930) 72852 yassine4real University Mohammed Premier 2002 36 36 3 0
(3931) 55387 yeonseo0803 Chung-Buk National University 2001 99 99 3 0
(3932) 51944 yocchan1216 Kyoto university 2000 119 119 3 0
(3933) 70055 yonisakuasagao Kyoto University 2001 43 43 3 0
(3934) 33801 your_response Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie 2003 342 342 3 0
(3935) 45208 yunzhilin hebtu 2023 172 172 3 0
(3936) 78284 zeroxomega Southeast University Bangladesh 25 25 3 0
(3937) 44917 zhang_jun High School Affiliated of Southwest University 2009 175 175 3 0
(3938) 52447 17659932961 hebtu 2004 116 116 4 0
(3939) 40244 18159123178 Jimei University 2022 229 229 4 0
(3940) 78284 2200030331 kluniversity 2003 25 25 4 0
(3941) 75126 2200031439klu KL University 2005 31 31 4 0
(3942) 56906 2200032253KLU kl university 2005 91 91 4 0
(3943) 79411 2200090120klu kl university 2004 23 23 4 0
(3944) 54115 A7plus6 zust 2004 106 106 4 0
(3945) 22669 AS01 Delhi Technological University 2001 630 630 4 0
(3946) 75126 AWert34 Newton School of Technology 2004 31 31 4 0
(3947) 53239 AbhiCF IIT Guwahati 2004 111 111 4 0
(3948) 65760 Aditya_CU_26 university of calcutta 2003 56 56 4 0
(3949) 53080 Akira_256 Tokyo Institute of Technology 112 112 4 0
(3950) 73760 Al_Jaber American International University - Bangladesh 1999 34 34 4 0
(3951) 77138 Alan0411 student 2011 27 27 4 0
(3952) 48812 AlexSense1 Havana University 2002 141 187 4 0
(3953) 67661 Alexandrov ITMO University 1999 50 50 4 0
(3954) 12442 AliceLi Tsinghua University High School 2022 1000 1000 4 0
(3955) 69005 Aniket_Aayush Student 2003 46 46 4 0
(3956) 66075 Apansingha International islamic University Chattogram 2001 55 56 4 0
(3957) 69370 Arthis_Jr University of Central Asia 2005 45 54 4 0
(3958) 66669 Ashibara Scratch 1923 53 53 4 0
(3959) 73760 Ashik_Bin_Zaman Bangladesh Agricultural University 2002 34 34 4 0
(3960) 57328 AtsuAtsu0120 CirKit(金沢工業大学) 2004 89 89 4 0
(3961) 49069 BananaBrain iiitd 2004 139 139 4 0
(3962) 66075 ByteBard Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology 2003 55 55 4 0
(3963) 42874 C2024sujingzhi Hongfan Junior High School Attached to Chongqing No.8 Middle School 2009 196 352 4 0
(3964) 7831 Cbradley Digi Ghetto 1924 1260 1260 4 0
(3965) 31070 Champ2801 IIT Guwahati 2004 408 408 4 0
(3966) 56906 Charlotte770 Nara Women's University 2003 91 91 4 0
(3967) 41841 CodeWithIsmail University of Dhaka 2004 208 208 4 0
(3968) 60990 Continue2023 Yonsei University 2001 73 73 4 0
(3969) 53582 Cooopy naist 1999 109 109 4 0
(3970) 47506 Core_65536 LiaoNing University 2004 152 152 4 0
(3971) 36510 DIce15 Dongguk University 1997 286 286 4 0
(3972) 56338 DantaRambabu Deemed To be University 2004 94 94 4 0
(3973) 86254 Depsi Damascus University 2002 14 14 4 0
(3974) 65760 Dice39 Student 2000 56 56 4 0
(3975) 46796 Dipankar_123 IIIT Sonepat 2003 158 158 4 0
(3976) 34293 Dirus007 Delhi Technological University 2004 331 331 4 0
(3977) 79981 Dost Student 2008 22 22 4 0
(3978) 56513 EddyGonzalo student 2002 93 93 4 0
(3979) 69704 FahimSadik Islamic University of technology 2000 44 44 4 0
(3980) 61770 Fourier Nippon Institute of Technology 2001 70 70 4 0
(3981) 67661 FrozenBerrys Hobby School of Ulaanbaatar 2007 50 50 4 0
(3982) 12166 GagikGevorgyan Quantum College 2007 1012 1012 4 0
(3983) 61514 Gurvansh_Gupta Panjab University 2003 71 71 4 0
(3984) 75597 Guyses Student 2003 30 30 4 0
(3985) 71652 HEKUCHAN student 39 39 4 0
(3986) 62307 Hari80036 kluniversity 2004 68 68 4 0
(3987) 61770 Harshdeep_J Mahindra University 2003 70 70 4 0
(3988) 85487 HasinAmir Sylhet Engineering College 2002 15 15 4 0
(3989) 79981 How2Kritin International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad 2004 22 22 4 0
(3990) 40975 ISpadeI De La Salle University 2001 219 219 4 0
(3991) 74207 Ishtiak University 2002 33 33 4 0
(3992) 86254 Jeggett software developer 1991 14 14 4 0
(3993) 43157 Jitendhar kluniversity 2005 193 233 4 0
(3994) 62038 JohnnysZero Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad 2005 69 69 4 0
(3995) 48935 KEIT0 Waseda University 2003 140 140 4 0
(3996) 78866 KLU2100030201 KL University 2004 24 24 4 0
(3997) 72027 KLU2200032502_ kluniversity 2005 38 38 4 0
(3998) 59981 KLU2200033208 kluniversity 2004 77 77 4 0
(3999) 64865 Kl_2200030474 KLUniversity 2004 59 59 4 0
(4000) 79411 Klu2100030414 kluniversity 2003 23 23 4 0