Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
11881 PeterTheGreat 2006 1035 1269 35 0
11881 Itachi_uchih4 1035 1035 25 0
11881 Icebear16 2004 1035 1043 43 0
11881 H4elme 2024 1035 1035 12 0
11881 Glass__dog 2006 1035 1113 4 0
11881 Amusac 東京大学 1996 1035 1231 32 0
11898 yinpeichu2021 2010 1034 1034 6 0
11898 view2715 1034 1034 30 0
11898 tryandtryagain no 2005 1034 1034 37 0
11898 tbdsh Seekluna 1034 1034 35 0
11898 sakinikakeru 1998 1034 1034 20 0
11898 ophelia 1993 1034 1166 26 0
11898 namazu9 2001 1034 1052 53 0
11898 johnw15401 none 2000 1034 1034 9 0
11898 jhtonly 2009 1034 1034 20 0
11898 jaychentank 1034 1034 5 0
11891 hinamimi 1034 1196 146 0
11898 ewe 1034 1246 11 0
11898 defplus 1034 1127 59 0
11898 amanou 1992 1034 1241 119 0
11898 Moe_nageeb153 1999 1034 1079 40 0
11898 ImzxxX 1034 1047 74 0
11898 Bigbos 2001 1034 1034 11 0
11898 Anarch1st 2003 1034 1034 10 0
11915 zfasion 1033 1033 21 0
11915 yeshero 1033 1154 88 0
11915 tvvichan KCCT 1033 1173 84 0
11915 tt6mzn 2003 1033 1138 95 0
11915 sinjo IIT (BHU) 2002 1033 1033 14 0
11915 rohitkumar0510 IIT Patna 2002 1033 1078 33 0
11915 liangqianxing SYXF 2005 1033 1033 11 0
11915 kossy 1033 1033 39 0
11915 b1uerar 2004 1033 1067 9 0
11915 WittyIdiot 2001 1033 1052 13 0
11915 SuperYAMADA University of Tsukuba(coins23) 2004 1033 1159 51 0
11915 Salmon256 1033 1144 92 0
11915 Ryo1515 1998 1033 1132 135 0
11915 O_Elmasry 2008 1033 1033 13 0
11915 ItsDee25 IIT Ropar 2000 1033 1076 60 0
11915 IssamOtoz 1998 1033 1061 47 0
11915 ForgetMeNot 2010 1033 1033 1 0
11915 ELCannotMQ 1033 1174 4 0
11915 Dechancer 1033 1113 17 0
11934 xjwwjx 2003 1032 1076 47 0
11934 whyrubullyme Jiangmen Guangya Middle School(senior high) 2007 1032 1102 26 0
11934 utkarsh1236 1032 1168 37 0
11934 takaoki 1987 1032 1192 66 0
11934 sundaramanand 1032 1048 31 0
11934 snnu_lgw 1999 1032 1154 31 0
11934 sidak173 2000 1032 1135 19 0
11934 sdajfkheu 2005 1032 1032 5 0
11934 sawlow 1994 1032 1032 49 0
11934 sam990 2004 1032 1032 13 0
11934 karthikeya09 2002 1032 1095 19 0
11934 houhui 2005 1032 1032 14 0
11934 casual3000 2003 1032 1032 14 0
11934 aditya_u74 1032 1032 32 0
11934 Wooly18 1032 1032 4 0
11934 Roc_syo 横浜国立大学 理工学部 2002 1032 1058 43 0
11934 Michael_848 Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliaed to SISU 2009 1032 1254 72 0
11934 LHK 2003 1032 1032 13 0
11934 CXZY 2007 1032 1032 4 0
11934 AshwaniV 2002 1032 1098 17 0
11934 Acatoi HUASACM 2002 1032 1056 17 0
11934 3042568013 SZTU 2004 1032 1032 36 0
11956 st20241907 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2009 1031 1054 9 0
11956 shadowreaper 1999 1031 1083 27 0
11956 sandeep1132 2002 1031 1031 75 0
11956 ricepaper Kyoto Institute of Technology 2002 1031 1034 50 0
11956 o__0w0__o Waseda University 2000 1031 1065 83 0
11956 nsawa1981 1981 1031 1089 43 0
11956 nacamura 1031 1108 14 0
11956 mlrifat RUET 1031 1031 31 0
11956 marvania1512 1999 1031 1031 17 0
11956 markkun SZTU 2004 1031 1056 19 0
11956 jiukongyaoai 2000 1031 1103 14 0
11956 bhatte 2001 1031 1031 69 0
11956 bbb1293 1031 1097 14 0
11956 Victor_Luis123 Universidad de Oriente 2002 1031 1103 24 0
11956 Rn86222 東京大学理学部情報科学科 2002 1031 1031 27 0
11956 Lithanium 2009 1031 1031 14 0
11956 KnightKnight BTECH 1999 1031 1226 102 0
11956 DeMen100ns PTNK 2005 1031 1059 6 0
11974 williamwei ASOI王八计划 2010 1030 1030 54 0
11974 vvent Universidade Federal do Amazonas 2001 1030 1030 10 0
11974 toutatsu 1030 1183 94 0
11974 stff577 2001 1030 1030 4 0
11974 stayhidden 2001 1030 1030 23 0
11974 ryota70th Tokyo Institute of Technology 2000 1030 1112 61 0
11974 nines 2004 1030 1102 61 0
11974 messimessi 2005 1030 1173 8 0
11974 iv5 1030 1030 2 0
11974 fyc2023 2011 1030 1030 26 0
11974 eydnnt 1030 1092 15 0
11974 danielcy 2007 1030 1030 7 0
11974 cj_top_coder 2003 1030 1041 16 0
11974 cbyyx 2004 1030 1030 5 0
11974 MACCHAICE0 1998 1030 1083 31 0
11974 DissonantHarmony 2002 1030 1030 45 0
11974 AyanGm IIT Guwahati 2003 1030 1154 36 0