Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
4992 OIerLzy nothing 2009 1516 1524 27 0
4992 LinkinPony 1984 1516 1730 67 0
4982 tiaotiao2011 2011 1517 1517 17 0
4982 teruel 1998 1517 1517 7 0
4982 srw 1517 1517 23 0
4982 rasennn 2002 1517 1651 208 0
4982 kurrrru The University of Tokyo 2001 1517 1580 110 0
4982 ktateish 1978 1517 1517 169 0
4982 hamuhei4869 2001 1517 1739 209 0
4982 deadmanalive059 1517 1517 2 0
4982 Zhangxuyang 2006 1517 1517 8 0
4982 GMconqueror 1999 1517 1574 10 0
4966 zilioner 1518 1529 14 0
4966 wallaby1011 1994 1518 1624 6 0
4966 vikash485 Jadavpur University 2003 1518 1518 21 0
4966 spiker 1992 1518 1578 26 0
4966 pizzaroot Sejong University 2002 1518 1518 34 0
4966 nasa Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia 1994 1518 1881 19 0
4966 mojo__hugo 1518 1518 30 0
4966 mamahi 1518 1518 90 0
4966 lknn 2005 1518 1518 7 0
4966 letuano5 1518 1563 20 0
4966 iboibo 1998 1518 1533 58 0
4966 akropolis 1518 1690 151 0
4966 Ye_che 1518 1518 16 0
4966 WhyWhy China 1996 1518 1846 11 0
4966 JokerPoker 1518 1826 38 0
4966 Chakshu_Verma 2002 1518 1518 21 0
4958 muscle_ups 2000 1519 1661 25 0
4958 kaku 1519 1524 18 0
4958 decsp 2001 1519 1596 58 0
4958 Ooctober 2001 1519 1519 37 0
4958 Ksusha 2009 1519 1519 46 0
4958 Jikky1618 2006 1519 1519 65 0
4958 Cx114514 Wuxi No.1 High School 2008 1519 1519 29 0
4958 Butterf1v Yamaguchi High School 2007 1519 1585 31 0
4948 yfb1119 2001 1520 1576 69 0
4948 yellow_13 IIT Kanpur 2001 1520 1520 17 0
4948 shinzanmono Hohhot No. 2 High School 2009 1520 1520 55 0
4948 rtckyw_ University of Warsaw 2003 1520 1520 14 0
4948 registerGen Tsinghua University High School 2007 1520 1520 34 0
4948 maeda3 PFU Limited 1986 1520 1617 239 0
4948 liuenci 1520 1520 62 0
4948 Polos 2022 1520 1520 13 0
4948 MemeChan Tohoku University 1520 1582 173 0
4948 EMBailey The University of Texas at Dallas 2002 1520 1641 14 0
4933 yano2xy 1989 1521 1607 127 0
4933 wizardMarshall 宁海县潘天寿中学 2011 1521 1521 55 0
4933 warks IIIT Hyderabad 2000 1521 1543 50 0
4933 thunopro 2006 1521 1570 52 0
4933 tagenkan 京都大学 1969 1521 1706 261 0
4933 syta 2008 1521 1521 19 0
4933 sensu 1992 1521 1620 160 0
4933 ncduy0303 National University of Singapore 2002 1521 1521 24 0
4933 mirrorrabbit Kyoto University 2001 1521 1809 165 0
4933 dfistric 2000 1521 1554 9 0
4933 chenyan National Taiwan University 2004 1521 1621 79 0
4933 bary 1999 1521 1696 75 0
4933 SwordDance 1521 1521 24 0
4933 Mongy 2000 1521 1521 28 0
4933 Eric_Cui Nanjing Foreign Language School 2010 1521 1566 110 0
4919 ycode 1522 1775 132 0
4919 viskonsin 1522 1688 10 0
4919 sibasyun ARISE analytics 1993 1522 1522 55 0
4919 s570704 1996 1522 1683 118 0
4919 horiseun 2006 1522 1522 15 0
4919 fr200110218102 2020 1522 1522 3 0
4919 b0e6 wft_is_affiliation 1522 1522 14 0
4919 Sth 2007 1522 1522 11 0
4919 RYANGSJ_Real 13791519026 2009 1522 1660 91 0
4919 Limie Hailiang Education 2011 1522 1590 37 0
4919 Keeepy 1522 1522 19 0
4919 Gaode_Sean 厦门双十中学 2008 1522 1522 8 0
4919 Drind Arcaea 2009 1522 1522 7 0
4919 Bot_wxt1221 CDEFLS 2008 1522 1540 33 0
4906 wylp LGyxj的小迷妹 1523 1523 6 0
4906 pedrolino Universidade Federal do Paraná 2001 1523 1541 47 0
4906 lis05st UPML KNU 2005 1523 1523 9 0
4906 guanyongcheng Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School 2010 1523 1523 31 0
4906 Yae_Sakura 2005 1523 1523 3 0
4906 Lsince_yx 1445928167@qq.com 2009 1523 1523 8 0
4906 LikeaRooster 1989 1523 1651 222 0
4906 Flying_Man0228 I'm O University 2007 1523 1523 2 0
4906 Elgoker 2003 1523 1523 10 0
4906 Ecrof 2004 1523 1551 10 0
4906 Complex 2006 1523 1563 62 0
4906 Caryking 2006 1523 1523 39 0
4906 Capps 2004 1523 1523 6 0
4900 teraplus 2002 1524 1524 21 0
4900 remrauq 1524 1524 8 0
4900 karemo Assiut University 2000 1524 1577 36 0
4900 ivanz Higher School of Economics 2005 1524 1813 20 0
4900 hyz 1524 1572 13 0
4900 huaji035 2000 1524 1611 24 0
4895 vanvector 1525 1815 44 0
4895 tichiba 1525 1670 42 0
4895 prx_fan 2024 1525 1525 3 0
4895 makio93 1991 1525 1699 255 0
4895 kojihashimoto 1989 1525 1525 157 0
4886 zwx_ 2010 1526 1526 28 0