Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(601) 107105 ztmy_w 2003 2 2 1 0
(602) 68424 ztmy5 2000 55 55 2 0
(603) 40024 ztkleo 2000 252 262 7 0
(604) 63980 zthree 1995 70 87 3 0
(605) 107105 zthmdm 2 2 1 0
(606) 89325 zth413021 14 14 2 0
(607) 15492 zteswfzyef 1986 884 983 250 0
(608) 20686 ztemily 2006 710 710 4 0
(609) 17655 ztakami 1972 813 827 78 0
(610) 68424 zt4lxer 1986 55 113 12 0
(611) 100519 zt3296 2000 6 6 1 0
(612) 69062 zt17 2010 53 53 1 0
(613) 26635 zszz 2002 542 721 16 0
(614) 27837 zszwrsjf 1997 511 511 6 0
(615) 10147 zsyzsy_2012 101OI 2012 1133 1133 13 0
(616) 81497 zsyxing1 19973119077 2010 24 24 1 0
(617) 82052 zsyhhh 2002 23 23 2 0
(618) 73298 zsy20140905 13572003867 2014 41 41 6 0
(619) 20149 zsy20081206 2008 730 757 35 0
(620) 102431 zsy111 2004 5 5 1 0
(621) 79214 zsy0226 2011 28 28 8 0
(622) 98486 zsxuan 2002 7 7 1 0
(623) 50160 zsxoffgun 2003 145 145 8 0
(624) 6743 zsx 2007 1357 1357 6 0
(625) 8922 zswangziye 中山市迪茵公学 2008 1207 1207 28 0
(626) 96741 zsuk3 2001 8 8 1 0
(627) 107105 zstar23 2003 2 2 1 0
(628) 29564 zssyt 2017 468 468 9 0
(629) 7069 zssa 1993 1330 1529 287 0
(630) 40480 zss 246 523 8 0
(631) 84968 zsqjth 2005 19 19 2 0
(632) 48183 zsq666 18580132013 1990 161 161 19 0
(633) 12763 zsq147258369 1803268446@qq.com 1975 997 1326 16 0
(634) 82694 zsp23 2019 22 22 2 0
(635) 5941 zsombor_bata 2005 1422 1422 3 0
(636) 56852 zsofustb 2004 102 102 2 0
(637) 47348 zsnn 168 168 8 0
(638) 2176 zslizeyu 2008 1888 2014 43 0
(639) 104332 zsl15802845352 15802845352 2011 3 3 1 0
(640) 72885 zskxc666 2004 42 42 1 0
(641) 4062 zsj6315 2022 1619 1758 25 0
(642) 68096 zshwangax11 2000 56 56 3 0
(642) 68096 zshaaa 2024 56 56 4 0
(644) 28343 zsh66 499 499 9 0
(645) 6099 zsh2022 2010 1408 1408 32 0
(646) 89325 zsgxy 2004 14 14 1 0
(647) 87628 zsfzyj 16 16 1 0
(648) 83393 zsfzhjf 2008 21 21 1 0
(649) 43701 zsen 1997 205 205 6 0
(650) 630 zse 2237 2241 41 0
(651) 107105 zsczsczsc 1924 2 2 1 0
(651) 107105 zsc12345 2013 2 2 1 0
(653) 48321 zsHYR 2011 160 179 13 0
(654) 71037 zs6 47 47 4 0
(655) 107105 zs30866 19994726134 2003 2 2 1 0
(656) 74969 zs2619 2000 37 37 3 0
(657) 34955 zs20021127 17759050222 2002 344 344 6 0
(658) 24741 zs12345 2002 593 593 5 0
(659) 6152 zrzzrz 2009 1404 1404 15 0
(660) 36793 zrzring 2004 305 993 26 0
(661) 14129 zrzever 2004 937 943 9 0
(662) 943 zrz0520 2006 2091 2103 22 0
(663) 100519 zryannh 2004 6 6 1 0
(664) 82052 zrx5BA 2011 23 23 4 0
(665) 82694 zrx400 22 22 1 0
(666) 67465 zrw20130625 58 62 5 0
(667) 23263 zrr1127 2011 636 636 8 0
(668) 4809 zronghui 1539 1627 40 0
(669) 98486 zrn0128 7 7 2 0
(670) 1572 zrmpaul 2005 2008 2008 11 0
(671) 20177 zrj0115 729 729 6 0
(672) 21940 zrhhh 675 675 11 0
(673) 88489 zrh127 15 15 1 0
(674) 80872 zrfzrfzrf 25 25 1 0
(675) 92649 zrdevheemu333 Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University 2004 11 11 1 0
(676) 52939 zrc4889 Lianjiang No.1 High School of Fujian, Fuzhou, Fujian, China 2009 125 154 32 0
(677) 67150 zrafat800 2004 59 59 2 0
(678) 29650 zradj ADA University 2004 466 477 14 0
(679) 84169 zqzqzq 20 20 1 0
(680) 60277 zqzb_2926 2004 85 85 7 0
(681) 36912 zqyzqyzqy 2003 303 303 11 0
(682) 98486 zqyzhwh 2009 7 7 1 0
(683) 718 zqyyy 2184 2184 16 0
(684) 55562 zqyuan 109 109 1 0
(685) 68753 zqyha Luogu 610096. Grade 6 Oier 2012 54 67 2 0
(686) 11899 zqy_xsqcj 2009 1037 1037 3 0
(687) 51479 zqwsyfet 2003 135 150 13 0
(688) 61185 zqqqq 1997 81 81 3 0
(689) 33605 zqmgeorge 2009 375 375 5 0
(690) 56276 zqm2147483647 2016 105 105 12 0
(691) 2479 zqiaor 1834 1834 10 0
(692) 51479 zqh_040606 18545100299 2004 135 135 5 0
(693) 12390 zqh_ 2024 1014 1045 37 0
(694) 38075 zqh123b 283 283 4 0
(695) 107105 zqczzl 18259912428 2013 2 2 1 0
(696) 95551 zqc0712 13811551824 2011 9 9 1 0
(697) 16596 zpw_bth 2008 845 845 12 0
(698) 66415 zpqzpq Nanyu Middle School 2009 60 60 2 0
(699) 62633 zpower 75 81 5 0
(700) 56852 zplus 2004 102 102 1 0