Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(28701) 104332 pour_demain 2012 3 3 1 0
(28702) 98486 poundering 2010 7 7 1 0
(28703) 8641 pounced 2005 1221 1225 12 0
(28704) 34417 pou3 2002 356 369 38 0
(28705) 39155 potyama Kogakuin Univ. 2001 265 265 47 0
(28706) 74133 potty12 39 39 1 0
(28707) 74535 potter77 2003 38 38 3 0
(28708) 51081 potpone 2008 138 138 3 0
(28709) 57987 potokun 2000 96 96 5 0
(28710) 83850 poto 20 20 2 0
(28711) 36793 potix2 1980 305 305 4 0
(28712) 34816 potewo 347 431 39 0
(28713) 103567 potetopipi 2001 4 4 1 0
(28714) 89325 potetogg 14 14 1 0
(28715) 33804 poteto_tomas Tokyo University of Science 2003 370 370 19 0
(28716) 23804 poteto0 1999 620 620 18 0
(28717) 36912 potetitomb 1997 303 515 34 0
(28718) 76769 potetiniku 2002 33 33 1 0
(28719) 57583 potetaro111 2008 98 98 9 0
(28720) 11195 potesara 1999 1074 1309 142 0
(28721) 33885 potesala 大学生 2000 368 410 36 0
(28722) 44343 potepoteto 198 198 16 0
(28723) 95551 potepote 2002 9 9 1 0
(28724) 72885 potemkin none 1999 42 42 3 0
(28725) 30344 potecon 1986 450 450 5 0
(28726) 31694 potechikyopro 419 429 10 0
(28727) 67465 potatostckz 2007 58 58 1 0
(28728) 74969 potatopotato 2009 37 37 3 0
(28729) 63441 potatomonkey 1997 72 72 2 0
(28730) 33386 potatolord 1995 374 374 6 0
(28731) 98486 potatoes_123 2013 7 7 2 0
(28732) 8641 potatochip 兵庫県立大学 1991 1221 1247 70 0
(28733) 48439 potato_salad 159 169 12 0
(28734) 61185 potato_planet 18980723616 2012 81 81 4 0
(28735) 62906 potato_021 2005 74 74 3 0
(28736) 57792 potatoTabbyCat 2002 97 97 11 0
(28737) 60277 potato95 85 94 7 0
(28738) 98486 potato6 2003 7 7 1 0
(28739) 47124 potato37 1997 170 180 13 0
(28740) 17618 potato3 814 814 30 0
(28741) 98486 potato2525 北海道大学 2005 7 7 1 0
(28742) 11134 potato24 1077 1122 43 0
(28743) 15049 potato1938 KCLC 2009 900 900 57 0
(28744) 45 potato167 Tokyo Institute of Technology 2001 3013 3085 79 0
(28745) 7149 potato12 1324 1324 58 0
(28746) 25898 potato1024 hjj 2008 561 561 10 0
(28747) 17010 potato0226 1980 833 997 86 0
(28748) 98486 potateh 2009 7 7 1 0
(28749) 4853 potate The University of Tokyo 2000 1534 1873 96 0
(28750) 86588 potatah 17 17 1 0
(28751) 77207 potassium_iodide 2002 32 32 2 0
(28752) 17549 potaku0503 2001 816 816 59 0
(28753) 64527 potajack 68 71 11 0
(28754) 69675 potAsh 2001 51 51 1 0
(28755) 84968 postpone_24 2001 19 19 1 0
(28756) 36275 postGraph 315 502 22 0
(28757) 88489 possibleadmin David-On 2011 15 15 1 0
(28758) 91409 possible 18836562896 2006 12 12 1 0
(28759) 32462 poss_i_bility 2005 399 399 20 0
(28760) 80872 poska 1998 25 25 2 0
(28761) 47709 positoro 165 165 13 0
(28762) 107105 positive 2 2 1 0
(28763) 568 posij118 Charles University in Prague 1999 2268 2420 10 0
(28764) 64807 poshith Indian Institute of Information Technology Lucknow 2005 67 67 3 0
(28765) 62906 poshiposhi 1997 74 81 8 0
(28766) 82052 posena 2001 23 23 4 0
(28767) 78182 posami 30 30 2 0
(28768) 98486 poryo 2003 7 7 1 0
(28769) 12502 porwal_anurag 2001 1009 1009 10 0
(28770) 40480 porus_abhi 2003 246 246 9 0
(28771) 17438 porupisu5 大学 2002 819 895 21 0
(28772) 78182 portkey 市立中学校 2010 30 30 3 0
(28773) 68096 portero16 早稲田大学 2000 56 56 2 0
(28774) 29691 portal 2000 465 465 11 0
(28775) 6281 porridgeporridge 2006 1394 1405 30 0
(28776) 66849 porridge123 60 60 1 0
(28777) 70040 porpora 50 50 4 0
(28778) 32883 porplodrogon 394 394 3 0
(28779) 86588 porouscoin 2003 17 17 1 0
(28780) 107105 porous_monster 2003 2 2 1 0
(28781) 59418 pororoqa 2001 89 89 5 0
(28782) 90251 porling hokkaido university 2004 13 13 1 0
(28783) 3265 porkleoi Yokohama Science Frontier High School 2007 1712 1831 123 0
(28784) 100519 porkermaa 6 6 1 0
(28785) 102431 pork1216 お家 2008 5 5 1 0
(28786) 63715 porio 1995 71 71 4 0
(28787) 14110 porink 東京大学 2001 938 938 29 0
(28788) 73298 porigucchi 1994 41 41 6 0
(28789) 94189 poricf kayden 2003 10 10 1 0
(28790) 15277 pori_na 1998 892 1105 52 0
(28791) 35747 porcorosso 1980 326 330 8 0
(28792) 85161 pops1cle 1990 18 18 1 0
(28793) 107105 poppoppo0426 2002 2 2 1 0
(28794) 92649 poppo_hat_poppo 1992 11 11 2 0
(28795) 106332 poppingshower 1992 2 2 1 0
(28796) 36736 poppinbeta 2000 306 332 14 0
(28797) 90251 poppedhall 2001 13 13 1 0
(28798) 64248 popotaro 69 69 3 0
(28799) 7108 popossible 1327 1327 14 0
(28800) 10386 poporo 1119 1230 36 0