Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(82101) 88384 SellingOils 1979 12 12 1 0
(82102) 37075 Selkie 甲南大学 1999 277 506 29 0
(82103) 80130 Selina17 22 22 2 0
(82104) 15845 SeliMO 1999 855 859 22 0
(82105) 51408 Selfish29 2002 123 123 3 0
(82106) 16878 SelfStrong_SONG 820 854 13 0
(82107) 99172 SeleznevS1 2000 5 5 1 0
(82108) 103193 Selen32 1999 2 2 1 0
(82108) 103193 SelamSA 2005 2 2 1 0
(82110) 47545 Sekin 2000 152 152 12 0
(82111) 62685 Sekibuuun 2001 67 67 4 0
(82112) 16357 Sekai02 Havana University 2003 837 917 40 0
(82113) 103193 SeiyuHitomi 学生 2001 2 2 1 0
(82114) 10380 Seitaro0913 2000 1104 1104 19 0
(82115) 60830 Seita_Fujiwara Warsaw University of Technology 1999 74 86 5 0
(82116) 7081 Seiranib Brother Linyi is So Cool! 1999 1315 1315 5 0
(82117) 45807 Seiran 2005 167 167 7 0
(82118) 97157 SeineAle 2002 6 6 2 0
(82119) 103193 Seikke 開成学園 2010 2 2 1 0
(82120) 80780 Seikilos 21 21 1 0
(82121) 57198 Seika1002 Tokyo University of Science 2004 90 90 18 0
(82122) 43656 Seii_ 18208866143 2005 188 188 5 0
(82123) 101161 Seigou 千葉大学 2000 3 3 1 0
(82124) 83873 Seif_Eldin007 2004 17 17 2 0
(82125) 103193 Seif13 2004 2 2 1 0
(82126) 19052 Seiei Saitama University 2001 746 773 30 0
(82127) 103193 Seidai 2010 2 2 1 0
(82128) 87292 SehamAnter 2001 13 13 1 0
(82129) 74832 Sehajpreet Na 2001 32 32 8 0
(82130) 71418 Sehaj_4026 Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh 2003 40 40 5 0
(82131) 11588 Segu 2001 1040 1207 99 0
(82132) 49127 SegmentedSG IIT Kharagpur 2004 139 139 2 0
(82133) 190 SegmentTree wtcl 2005 2656 2672 38 0
(82134) 1579 SegTree_ Wu Jue's Fans Club 2024 2006 2050 38 0
(82135) 28981 SegFaultError 2000 458 458 5 0
(82136) 46485 Seficri 2003 161 161 18 0
(82137) 27691 Sefat 2003 492 492 7 0
(82138) 60583 SeeyouMayday 東京大学 2002 75 75 4 0
(82139) 85636 SeetheCopeDilate 15 15 2 0
(82140) 92648 Seencoloo 2011 9 9 1 0
(82141) 9521 Seele_Vollerei_ 2000 1157 1187 21 0
(82142) 55460 SeekerYucheng 2006 99 99 2 0
(82143) 103193 Seeker2310 Student 2004 2 2 1 0
(82144) 58262 SeedeR 2001 85 85 5 0
(82145) 1502 Seecret 1999 2011 2011 14 0
(82146) 62144 Seebook 1976 69 97 198 0
(82147) 101161 Sedge960 3 3 1 0
(82148) 64656 Sectumsempraa 2005 60 60 3 0
(82149) 76229 Secreto 1998 29 29 4 0
(82150) 89560 Secret_Rimon 2002 11 11 2 0
(82151) 88384 SecretLovers 12 12 1 0
(82152) 45593 Secondman LMO 1978 169 178 31 0
(82153) 101161 Second_w yeah 2009 3 3 1 0
(82154) 55280 SecondAttempt ffffff 1999 100 100 3 0
(82155) 1173 Secc251 2008 2044 2044 13 0
(82156) 140 SebinKim Seoul National University 2002 2769 2934 11 0
(82157) 45056 SebbiASK56 1999 174 174 2 0
(82158) 9768 SebastianMestre Don Gato 2001 1141 1141 3 0
(82159) 11364 Sebastian1801 2024 1051 1051 15 0
(82160) 13254 SebasGoat 1987 961 961 29 0
(82161) 30502 Season0518 421 427 8 0
(82162) 68807 Seas 47 51 2 0
(82163) 42621 SearchMeLater BSMRSTU 199 199 15 0
(82164) 86407 SearchLoss 14 14 4 0
(82165) 22090 Seannnnnn 2001 648 715 58 0
(82166) 42621 Seann 199 244 7 0
(82167) 62410 Seanding 张老师和杜老师编程课 2012 68 68 6 0
(82168) 19655 SeanLu12 2012 726 743 38 0
(82169) 37247 SeanDaSheep 274 361 7 0
(82170) 32680 SeanChiang AACPSCHOOL 2010 368 368 19 0
(82171) 43479 SeanChang3245 2004 190 190 4 0
(82172) 80780 Sean940106 2005 21 21 1 0
(82173) 57424 Seamaru 89 89 4 0
(82174) 36475 Sealy 288 312 5 0
(82175) 24257 SealMoBurp The Seal Team 2012 583 669 28 0
(82176) 87292 Seak_Kimhour 2002 13 13 2 0
(82177) 35767 Seahawk13 1974 301 341 30 0
(82178) 61371 Seagull123 72 81 7 0
(82179) 84835 Seachan1207 ECCコンピュータ専門学校 2005 16 16 2 0
(82180) 29569 Seaborg 2002 444 522 6 0
(82181) 7901 SeaYellow 1254 1254 16 0
(82182) 103193 SeaK 2 2 1 0
(82183) 21152 SeaCrate 2003 677 735 10 0
(82184) 37140 Se_kire_i 1994 276 276 21 0
(82185) 60830 Se7enn 2000 74 74 1 0
(82186) 10164 Sdchr 1117 1275 7 0
(82187) 22624 SdND2DNzA9 632 632 1 0
(82188) 8081 Scyther_07 IIT Kharagpur 2003 1242 1253 23 0
(82189) 69519 Scyther 2002 45 45 3 0
(82190) 4007 Scythe IIT BHU 2002 1613 1613 40 0
(82191) 52187 ScxZds 118 118 1 0
(82192) 103193 ScratchXx 2001 2 2 1 0
(82193) 32720 ScottSuperb 2008 367 367 3 0
(82194) 3498 ScottChou 2004 1669 1675 21 0
(82195) 103193 ScotchSI 2005 2 2 1 0
(82196) 67388 Scorteen 51 51 2 0
(82197) 68807 Scorpion23316 2004 47 47 3 0
(82198) 103193 ScorpioZB 19914763560 2008 2 2 1 0
(82199) 67388 ScorpioDagger 51 59 3 0
(82200) 73456 Scorpio1314 16623466135 2002 35 35 2 0