Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
6416 Alexwangr 2006 1382 1581 5 0
6409 yh2023wwz 1383 1383 57 0
6409 wxgmjfhy 1383 1388 30 0
6409 itokoi Osaka University 2004 1383 1440 45 0
6409 UTUROI 1999 1383 1475 19 0
6409 ShreyHehe IIT Guwahati 2004 1383 1383 33 0
6409 KouMikage 1985 1383 1543 286 0
6409 BBhorse KPC 2008 1383 1385 21 0
6393 zzczzc004 1384 1463 65 0
6393 zetar 2001 1384 1384 17 0
6393 wl2023 2009 1384 1384 9 0
6393 shri_874 IIT Guwahati 2004 1384 1433 33 0
6393 herman526 2011 1384 1384 7 0
6393 chinaxjh 1384 1392 14 0
6393 c20210623 1926 1384 1384 9 0
6393 bebera 2004 1384 1440 34 0
6393 badint 2003 1384 1384 10 0
6393 alontanay 2006 1384 1384 2 0
6393 Zhenyok Software engineer 1987 1384 1384 2 0
6393 Solarion4 1384 1415 8 0
6393 Little_Japan Xiamen No.1 Middle School 2011 1384 1386 42 0
6393 LZH2008 2008 1384 1384 16 0
6393 Gaurav3478 2002 1384 1419 42 0
6393 Dayllon 2001 1384 1478 31 0
6378 zhigebaishui 17373295761 2003 1385 1626 32 0
6378 wy2025 1385 1390 26 0
6378 siddhid_s 2003 1385 1385 34 0
6378 rebornz 1385 1385 37 0
6378 ramaaa Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 2002 1385 1419 24 0
6378 rahaia1357 1999 1385 1481 86 0
6378 pentaproton 2004 1385 1419 7 0
6378 meooow 1385 1783 26 0
6378 liuxinrang2026 2010 1385 1391 33 0
6378 junwoojune 2006 1385 1385 17 0
6378 dijah_2009 1385 1385 3 0
6378 Lanatus 1385 1414 54 0
6378 Isolde 1999 1385 1385 2 0
6378 Ilnay 2003 1385 1385 21 0
6378 Ever17 2001 1385 1385 28 0
6368 ytck 2004 1386 1386 21 0
6368 wfst 2022 1386 1476 6 0
6368 werrf 2022 1386 1433 37 0
6368 vijaykatari_23 2003 1386 1395 39 0
6368 lengthandditty 1996 1386 1661 66 0
6368 hiromu Tsukuba University 1386 1561 7 0
6368 exfaner NJUPT 1999 1386 1386 5 0
6368 Sarpa 1998 1386 1587 32 0
6368 Macdu 1386 1386 5 0
6368 ATh3tr Aleppo University 2003 1386 1386 41 0
6363 zouguangchen2 1387 1603 21 0
6363 forzaMilan 1994 1387 1481 80 0
6363 cnhs2205 1387 1574 21 0
6363 MrDeboo 2006 1387 1409 20 0
6363 Liuxizai 2008 1387 1387 4 0
6357 jybb 2004 1388 1388 34 0
6357 cqbz_XSC062 cqbz 2024 1388 1388 45 0
6357 Tudor67 University of Bucharest 1994 1388 1497 70 0
6357 KFrom40 9sriVgF8DCKZKn1qPwZ5M86MAHEa4y 1980 1388 1399 242 0
6357 Henry__Chen 1388 1649 45 0
6357 Ethan104 2011 1388 1388 47 0
6345 yamada0985 1995 1389 1614 50 0
6345 nbznb 2005 1389 1509 12 0
6345 jzzzzzp 1389 1570 3 0
6345 is 1995 1389 1590 110 0
6345 giaogiao2 2021 1389 1930 53 0
6345 crimsontea 消費期限: 製造から3日 1389 1538 147 0
6345 cjyang National Taiwan University 1990 1389 1570 47 0
6345 bashNewbie 1389 1389 23 0
6345 VegeDog 1389 1389 21 0
6345 Evanliu 2009 1389 1448 33 0
6345 Badstroke 2003 1389 1389 18 0
6345 Ahmedelsisy FCI - Cairo Uni. 1999 1389 1698 20 0
6333 junxis Hangzhou No.2 high school Baimahu 2009 1390 1425 49 0
6333 hicodeworld 1390 1401 23 0
6333 dora0530 2009 1390 1390 2 0
6333 WiIIiam Chiba University 2004 1390 1395 61 0
6333 Sreehari 2003 1390 1390 39 0
6333 Skyjoy 国立音ノ木坂学院 2006 1390 1404 7 0
6333 RedGrey1993 1993 1390 1390 32 0
6333 RainbowX 2003 1390 1390 39 0
6333 MSD_ 2001 1390 1477 137 0
6333 LilyPlatinum 1998 1390 1616 107 0
6333 EunBin AeongNyan 1390 1390 3 0
6333 APROHACK Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2005 1390 1393 12 0
6323 yongwhan Stanford University 1989 1391 1658 65 0
6323 mfgujhgh 2002 1391 1391 7 0
6323 gabriel55_ The University of Auckland 2004 1391 1426 87 0
6323 crimson000 @JIMOI 2023 1391 1391 9 0
6323 ahmed_magdy 2000 1391 1419 46 0
6323 Nitesh0007 2004 1391 1391 15 0
6323 GICamera 2009 1391 1566 25 0
6323 Farhan20 1391 1592 123 0
6323 ElyesChaabouni 2002 1391 1668 77 0
6323 Ashbourne 1391 1391 12 0
6309 rikukasa Nagoya University 2000 1392 1484 104 0
6309 kaorincpp 2003 1392 1392 14 0
6309 daniel_604 Seoul National University 1392 1408 11 0
6309 crxis 1392 1474 19 0
6309 atharv_tiwari IIIT Lucknow 2003 1392 1442 43 0
6309 abdelrahman001 2000 1392 1392 20 0