Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(6001) 5695 Rom_Bog 2007 1441 1485 22 0
(6002) 5461 PeachCaStella 1465 1485 100 0
(6003) 5269 DinoHadzic 1485 1485 6 0
(6004) 5959 yel_ow 1416 1484 88 0
(6005) 5299 sonic407 1482 1484 24 0
(6006) 6243 rikukasa Nagoya University 2000 1392 1484 104 0
(6007) 6223 nuno 1394 1484 204 0
(6008) 5726 muxiuyulin 2004 1437 1484 40 0
(6009) 7127 louwuchen 2005 1321 1484 12 0
(6010) 5969 kazuaki3280 1994 1415 1484 52 0
(6011) 5280 im_zyINF 2008 1484 1484 5 0
(6012) 7815 hachegawa Universidad de Tokio 2000 1271 1484 125 0
(6013) 5280 gbk002 1484 1484 17 0
(6013) 5280 ezraft 1484 1484 15 0
(6015) 5702 cyan0515 2024 1440 1484 100 0
(6016) 5280 Nienie0730 2024 1484 1484 23 0
(6016) 5280 LightningCreeper River West teacher sample big learn negative belong middle learn ice river score smile 2011 1484 1484 66 0
(6018) 6493 skyto0927 大学生 1997 1372 1483 28 0
(6019) 6778 pvtr IIIT Allahabad 2003 1349 1483 47 0
(6020) 6170 ollo YZYL Rating Production Cooperative 2009 1398 1483 28 0
(6021) 5293 horiseun 2006 1483 1483 14 0
(6021) 5293 farhan132 Rajshahi University School 2003 1483 1483 9 0
(6023) 5918 app1eDog 2002 1419 1483 27 0
(6024) 5293 XP3301_Pipi 2010 1483 1483 41 0
(6025) 5969 S4NGP1L Sogang University 1997 1415 1483 19 0
(6026) 6819 Kome_soudou 1999 1345 1483 153 0
(6027) 6091 tatarabako 1995 1404 1482 158 0
(6028) 9086 ma2AtC 1197 1482 228 0
(6029) 6134 lalame 1401 1482 58 0
(6030) 5614 jbhus catastrophe 1999 1448 1482 19 0
(6031) 5299 guru 2005 1482 1482 23 0
(6032) 5876 guo101111 101OIER 2010 1422 1482 44 0
(6033) 5367 ccdd 2004 1474 1482 35 0
(6034) 5299 TheRubbish 2006 1482 1482 5 0
(6035) 5808 NotFrenchCoder 2004 1430 1482 5 0
(6036) 5299 Muel_imj 2006 1482 1482 5 0
(6036) 5299 Justinshao 2005 1482 1482 39 0
(6038) 5756 GKT1 2003 1435 1482 16 0
(6039) 5496 yyyhy 1925 1460 1481 29 0
(6040) 7268 w24nishi 1988 1312 1481 151 0
(6041) 6756 undeadliberty 1999 1351 1481 62 0
(6042) 10922 setour 1084 1481 17 0
(6043) 6321 rahaia1357 1999 1385 1481 86 0
(6044) 6091 purplevine 2008 1404 1481 25 0
(6045) 5310 mingyu331 2008 1481 1481 3 0
(6046) 5918 mezzou 中本會 1993 1419 1481 48 0
(6047) 6305 forzaMilan 1994 1387 1481 80 0
(6048) 5310 dav1dw University of Toronto 2005 1481 1481 49 0
(6049) 6998 arnob918 Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 1999 1331 1481 51 0
(6050) 5310 YuanZiJun 2008 1481 1481 22 0
(6051) 6440 Yoralen ewdfvc3wf3wfcerf 2005 1376 1481 9 0
(6052) 5310 Sunday_ 1481 1481 6 0
(6053) 5468 SidewaysOwl 1988 1464 1481 138 0
(6054) 5310 Satsuki_8198 1481 1481 48 0
(6054) 5310 Medria 1481 1481 6 0
(6054) 5310 HHHEN 1481 1481 10 0
(6054) 5310 CurB Innopolis University 2004 1481 1481 17 0
(6058) 8179 youth 1997 1247 1480 98 0
(6059) 5702 thanksone 2005 1440 1480 28 0
(6060) 5445 peria peria 1982 1466 1480 30 0
(6061) 5742 mjtjnee7 2008 1436 1480 84 0
(6062) 5321 cy1999_1 1999 1480 1480 2 0
(6063) 6819 chirag7145 1999 1345 1480 41 0
(6064) 8193 TsubakiMint 広島大学 , Hiroshima University 2001 1246 1480 78 0
(6065) 5876 Saki2007 2007 1422 1480 27 0
(6066) 5321 HQJ2007 1480 1480 27 0
(6066) 5321 Fype 2002 1480 1480 10 0
(6068) 5687 Eason2009 2009 1442 1480 15 0
(6069) 5596 BLUESKY007 2002 1450 1480 9 0
(6070) 7519 sudoSieg IIT BHU Varanasi 2001 1292 1479 43 0
(6071) 6055 samuel1998 1998 1407 1479 61 0
(6072) 6756 nabefuta 茨城工業高等専門学校 2002 1351 1479 87 0
(6073) 5876 fujitake 1422 1479 60 0
(6074) 5329 fminzmz 1479 1479 9 0
(6075) 5742 MuRongzhang The High School Affiliated to Yunnan Normal University 2006 1436 1479 53 0
(6076) 5577 Last_sunlight 2000 1453 1479 39 0
(6077) 5403 Hiroshi_AC Company that held the contest 1999 1470 1479 57 0
(6078) 6559 AlphaQQ 1999 1367 1479 25 0
(6079) 5334 shao0320 shao0320 2005 1478 1478 11 0
(6080) 5483 s_shohei MC Digital, Inc. 1462 1478 131 0
(6081) 6305 powell Nagoya University 2002 1387 1478 86 0
(6082) 6004 edwardblue 2002 1412 1478 47 0
(6083) 5334 dongzheren 2008 1478 1478 22 0
(6084) 7019 das_sayantan IIT ISM Dhanbad 2001 1329 1478 59 0
(6085) 5334 Seventeen5213 1478 1478 7 0
(6086) 6493 MananDahiya 2001 1372 1478 21 0
(6087) 5334 LittleXi 东京大学 1478 1478 28 0
(6088) 6020 FEDIKUS 2005 1410 1478 9 0
(6089) 6597 Dayllon 2001 1364 1478 30 0
(6090) 5918 Ballzcrasher 1419 1478 39 0
(6091) 5476 yellow_13 IIT Kanpur 2001 1463 1477 16 0
(6092) 5563 xzxx 2008 1454 1477 15 0
(6093) 6662 winter_2521 Hokkaido University 2001 1358 1477 79 0
(6094) 7932 rotti 2008 1263 1477 107 0
(6095) 5789 raisan Tokyo Institute of Technology 2003 1432 1477 34 0
(6096) 8796 nindo 1998 1210 1477 33 0
(6097) 6349 gsaunders 1383 1477 91 0
(6098) 6647 ahmed_7oSkaa Suez Canal University 2001 1359 1477 109 0
(6099) 5342 YahiaSherif 1477 1477 8 0
(6099) 5342 TallBanana 2010 1477 1477 34 0