Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(40901) 64095 hoso290141 1997 62 73 8 0
(40902) 48146 hosikonbu 147 162 8 0
(40903) 64964 horurun 富山県立大学 2005 59 59 8 0
(40904) 50812 horoto 2007 127 127 8 0
(40905) 62966 hope1300 2003 66 66 8 0
(40906) 32569 honghaojin 2009 371 371 8 0
(40907) 49404 honahuku 137 137 8 0
(40908) 52997 hon_d0413 会津大学 2000 113 113 8 0
(40909) 1962 hollwo_pelw HSGS 2005 1926 1944 8 0
(40910) 16490 hokplex 833 986 8 0
(40911) 47786 hohara 150 150 8 0
(40912) 14046 hnust_zhuayang Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 925 925 8 0
(40913) 34513 hnust_xiahuax Hunan University of Science and Technology 2005 327 327 8 0
(40914) 29065 hnust_wenyuxuan 15679265857 2004 456 461 8 0
(40915) 54045 hnust_sunwei 107 119 8 0
(40916) 45256 hnust_shuaizheny 2003 172 172 8 0
(40917) 30535 hnust_maxiaoyu 18673438083 2004 420 420 8 0
(40918) 32720 hnust_lxx 367 367 8 0
(40919) 45807 hnust_lizhuohong 15873580658 2005 167 175 8 0
(40920) 60324 hnust_lilupeng 2024 76 76 8 0
(40921) 20787 hnust_lianghan Hunan University of Science and Technology 2005 688 688 8 0
(40922) 38603 hnust_liangchen Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 253 253 8 0
(40923) 42274 hnust_leijieming 3374567010 2005 203 203 8 0
(40924) 31706 hncjdysq 394 415 8 0
(40925) 37305 hmf123 273 392 8 0
(40926) 23904 hitori_bocchi 594 812 8 0
(40927) 47054 hiteshnama23 2001 156 156 8 0
(40928) 40478 hiroyannnn 1990 226 226 8 0
(40929) 48369 hiroemon 1991 145 145 8 0
(40930) 22968 hiraisun 2003 622 622 8 0
(40931) 42621 hiphopsir 199 199 8 0
(40932) 61371 hinoko 2001 72 72 8 0
(40933) 52352 hinata_19 2002 117 117 8 0
(40934) 62144 highover 1965 69 76 8 0
(40935) 51851 higary 120 120 8 0
(40936) 66158 hideki56 1999 55 58 8 0
(40937) 39387 hideakisun 2001 241 245 8 0
(40938) 47414 hidahiro 153 153 8 0
(40939) 53318 hibi18 The University of Electro-Communications 1998 111 111 8 0
(40940) 32569 hezeyu2013 湖南长沙 2013 371 392 8 0
(40941) 15985 heyu666 850 850 8 0
(40942) 18226 hermitpurple 775 775 8 0
(40943) 68114 hellotab 49 49 8 0
(40944) 5762 helloLad IIT BHU 2003 1426 1454 8 0
(40945) 25846 hejulian 2004 539 539 8 0
(40946) 51245 hejiaming123 124 124 8 0
(40947) 66758 heikyo 1994 53 53 8 0
(40948) 13755 hehuilang 2011 938 941 8 0
(40949) 23129 hdm0922 2000 617 617 8 0
(40950) 54540 hbin_frog 1998 104 179 8 0
(40951) 68452 hayashi_hiroki 日本 1994 48 48 8 0
(40952) 47318 haya_st 2006 154 185 8 0
(40953) 19521 haxorman Bartosz Magnum Kostka 1996 730 730 8 0
(40954) 50812 hawsgard 2003 127 127 8 0
(40955) 27774 hauron 1990 490 490 8 0
(40956) 58079 hatopopo888 1987 86 86 8 0
(40957) 22259 hato_bayibo DK 1949 643 812 8 0
(40958) 13840 hashmup University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 934 1049 8 0
(40959) 50812 hashihime 1997 127 134 8 0
(40960) 46367 haseyou 1993 162 168 8 0
(40961) 69519 hasanmubarok 1996 45 52 8 0
(40962) 68114 harumakino 2001 49 49 8 0
(40963) 61634 harumacci 71 78 8 0
(40964) 48612 haruki874 名城大学 1998 143 143 8 0
(40965) 54205 harshulNanda 2003 106 106 8 0
(40966) 50546 harshu_bhar bulandshahr 2005 129 129 8 0
(40967) 68452 harshj60490 2000 48 48 8 0
(40968) 40177 harshit1 Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat 2002 230 265 8 0
(40969) 41801 harsha_007 2005 209 209 8 0
(40970) 48866 harsh_1806 2004 141 148 8 0
(40971) 56423 harous 1999 94 124 8 0
(40972) 44433 haranoshota 2001 180 180 8 0
(40973) 38739 har_2o3_2003 2004 251 251 8 0
(40974) 34885 happynsc CSL 1980 319 510 8 0
(40975) 22160 happyShapiCu1 algorithm 2001 646 646 8 0
(40976) 30335 hanzaki427 1997 425 425 8 0
(40977) 47054 hamiope 1990 156 156 8 0
(40978) 51720 hamim007 East West University 2002 121 143 8 0
(40979) 61097 hamaojiya 秋田大学 2001 73 73 8 0
(40980) 42523 ham0117 200 215 8 0
(40981) 32680 haladie_raj 368 368 8 0
(40982) 43117 hakohuguchan 石川工業高等専門学校 2008 194 194 8 0
(40983) 32644 hagurehal 2005 369 369 8 0
(40984) 52508 hackstar 2009 116 116 8 0
(40985) 48369 habatakecrow 1993 145 145 8 0
(40986) 22128 hTPDdbHX 647 647 8 0
(40987) 67064 h515253 2002 52 54 8 0
(40988) 16291 gymball 2001 839 839 8 0
(40989) 33298 gyanratan 2006 354 385 8 0
(40990) 68807 gw2364 dgfls 2023 47 47 8 0
(40991) 28637 guru1312 2002 467 467 8 0
(40992) 67388 guppy63 1988 51 51 8 0
(40993) 22522 guotutu2011 2011 635 635 8 0
(40994) 36581 gunsh0t 1998 286 286 8 0
(40995) 37966 guibrito 2002 263 263 8 0
(40996) 71418 guhaoyu_1 Lei Feng r.d. school 2012 40 41 8 0
(40997) 43198 guet_astronaut 193 199 8 0
(40998) 5609 guapisolo UESTC 2002 1441 1619 8 0
(40999) 7760 gtdzx 张老师和杜老师编程课(杜老师) 1263 1263 8 0
(41000) 48491 gsingh1222002 2002 144 144 8 0