Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(45101) 26836 ss3080 536 661 7 0
(45102) 28426 sriram19 497 497 7 0
(45103) 42866 srikanth_j 2004 215 215 7 0
(45104) 42705 sri_1729 National Institute of Technology, Calicut 217 217 7 0
(45105) 52060 sreenidhi28 kluniversity 2003 131 131 7 0
(45106) 36614 sree9398 2004 308 308 7 0
(45107) 72885 sqz 2012 42 44 7 0
(45108) 42959 squidoon3 2001 214 214 7 0
(45109) 14455 sqrtqwq Affiliated Middle School of Guangzhou University 2012 924 924 7 0
(45110) 5507 sqrteipi 2009 1466 1466 7 0
(45111) 50160 spr7a 2005 145 145 7 0
(45112) 77207 spookydokey 32 32 7 0
(45113) 20149 spooky_boogie 730 869 7 0
(45114) 57399 spontaneously 2004 99 106 7 0
(45115) 28982 spoily_frog Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 2003 483 483 7 0
(45116) 51788 spinach_0 豊橋技術科学大学 1998 133 156 7 0
(45117) 33197 sparrow_harsh 2002 385 385 7 0
(45118) 35430 spark_minous 2008 333 384 7 0
(45119) 45262 space00 188 188 7 0
(45120) 44903 soyokaze_0427 Toyota Technological Institute 2004 192 192 7 0
(45121) 41469 soy_sauce 2001 233 233 7 0
(45122) 32343 souvik3469 2002 406 406 7 0
(45123) 55562 souri 109 109 7 0
(45124) 47240 sou91 2011 169 169 7 0
(45125) 22103 sosorry 670 670 7 0
(45126) 46670 sorek4ra 1987 174 174 7 0
(45127) 44435 sorairo   197 197 7 0
(45128) 30034 sora_skyline 2001 457 519 7 0
(45129) 53541 sora04 京都大学 2004 121 121 7 0
(45130) 59853 sophi 大学 2001 87 87 7 0
(45131) 54179 sooota1215 2006 117 117 7 0
(45132) 29853 sooooonuuuuu 2001 461 461 7 0
(45133) 44343 soonyouoa 1976 198 198 7 0
(45134) 50291 songwun 2000 144 185 7 0
(45135) 76769 son_goku_ 2007 33 33 7 0
(45136) 57792 solveMaxUp 2001 97 102 7 0
(45137) 60277 soicha 85 85 7 0
(45138) 55562 sohorse 109 109 7 0
(45139) 71769 soccer1278 開成中学校 2010 45 45 7 0
(45140) 39700 snufkin26 1991 257 257 7 0
(45141) 31430 snowdancee Nanjing University 2002 425 425 7 0
(45142) 48321 sn_ 1999 160 160 7 0
(45143) 40918 smngs 240 240 7 0
(45144) 1336 smallyyandy 2007 2027 2027 7 0
(45145) 30509 slyfox1201 1996 446 446 7 0
(45146) 18223 sleepyking 2004 797 797 7 0
(45147) 51479 skyblue3 135 135 7 0
(45148) 42959 sky00biscuit 1997 214 214 7 0
(45149) 19432 skullcrusher2104 2004 753 762 7 0
(45150) 25410 skrt_real 2024 574 581 7 0
(45151) 45084 skrsumit250 190 190 7 0
(45152) 72486 skkkkky 43 44 7 0
(45153) 6994 sizihan 2006 1336 1372 7 0
(45154) 55937 sisi0702 107 121 7 0
(45155) 45175 siruka 1983 189 189 7 0
(45156) 29013 sinhatushar334 Student at IIT Delhi 2005 482 599 7 0
(45157) 60733 sinataghizadeh 2008 83 92 7 0
(45158) 26522 siming_chen 545 671 7 0
(45159) 29970 simida 1998 458 488 7 0
(45160) 72486 silver_xenon 2005 43 47 7 0
(45161) 31790 silky13 2003 417 417 7 0
(45162) 22205 silkent 667 667 7 0
(45163) 77668 sige244 2008 31 31 7 0
(45164) 57212 siddharth026 2004 100 100 7 0
(45165) 29450 sid_28 2025 2004 471 471 7 0
(45166) 61419 sicha_boy 80 88 7 0
(45167) 42633 sia_ch 1993 218 232 7 0
(45168) 60495 shz_C 84 84 7 0
(45169) 77207 shuzichupin 2011 32 32 7 0
(45170) 32246 shuboyao 2010 408 493 7 0
(45171) 25148 shubhamkyup 2002 581 582 7 0
(45172) 53078 shsw228 1996 124 124 7 0
(45173) 62633 shreyyy14 75 84 7 0
(45174) 48689 shreyashlrn 1999 157 157 7 0
(45175) 24654 shreyas1510 2002 596 604 7 0
(45176) 65379 showrav_89 2000 65 73 7 0
(45177) 50677 shou13 19150932251 2005 141 141 7 0
(45178) 68753 shota94 1994 54 56 7 0
(45179) 45175 shogo0436 1996 189 189 7 0
(45180) 59194 shock_wav3 Student 1998 90 90 7 0
(45181) 49779 shoaibisa 148 148 7 0
(45182) 48439 shivaye_jain 159 159 7 0
(45183) 32041 shivansh100 iit roorkee 412 604 7 0
(45184) 73725 shivani1906 40 41 7 0
(45185) 39004 shivamprajapati 1998 267 267 7 0
(45186) 53541 shivamiitism IIT (ISM) Dhanbad 2005 121 121 7 0
(45187) 56852 shitonin 1987 102 102 7 0
(45188) 52224 shiryuia 大学 2001 128 128 7 0
(45189) 44343 shiruru1 198 198 7 0
(45190) 80872 shiroelf5801 2001 25 25 7 0
(45191) 27796 shira_111 1984 512 512 7 0
(45192) 68096 shipan_ahmed 2001 56 57 7 0
(45193) 44359 shio408 1995 194 194 7 0
(45194) 61897 shintaro1126 78 78 7 0
(45195) 26190 shinonomezhou 2005 553 553 7 0
(45196) 43108 shino19711109 1971 212 212 7 0
(45197) 49169 shino12354 2003 153 153 7 0
(45198) 36686 shinigami_09 2002 307 316 7 0
(45199) 62380 shindai 1995 76 76 7 0
(45200) 59194 shimiyu_zuya univ Fukui 1998 90 109 7 0