Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(23101) 26374 kagitsumist 1991 549 601 18 0
(23102) 37379 kageleo 2000 295 300 18 0
(23103) 25633 kagata 568 572 18 0
(23104) 3944 k82b 2009 1629 1742 18 0
(23105) 60495 k5token 1983 84 149 18 0
(23106) 32820 k31s 盛岡第一高等学校 2006 396 449 18 0
(23107) 32453 k0626 404 404 18 0
(23108) 37434 jynx 2000 294 294 18 0
(23109) 29775 jun666 463 463 18 0
(23110) 47240 judeqwavla 1986 169 177 18 0
(23111) 55937 jubair7 American International University - Bangladesh 2001 107 127 18 0
(23112) 13732 joe001 1998 955 1230 18 0
(23113) 8095 jk_lover 2004 1257 1365 18 0
(23114) 42777 jitutarafder 2002 216 219 18 0
(23115) 14477 jisung6723 923 1005 18 0
(23116) 31377 jij 426 426 18 0
(23117) 26522 jhy0117 2003 545 545 18 0
(23118) 13677 jhuan wawawa 2003 957 984 18 0
(23119) 58593 jeba27 2004 93 93 18 0
(23120) 1528 jdfans yc_黄宇哲 2011 2011 18 0
(23121) 50291 jcydwx 144 544 18 0
(23122) 13677 jayanth_1 National Institute of Technology Calicut 2001 957 957 18 0
(23123) 4792 jason7777 1920 1541 1541 18 0
(23124) 55562 jannat_299 109 109 18 0
(23125) 45175 janin 1993 189 189 18 0
(23126) 19145 jai_hanumant Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow 763 763 18 0
(23127) 49151 jag507 1989 152 165 18 0
(23128) 28060 jae842569 Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University 2003 506 506 18 0
(23129) 16485 izuki_ult 1999 848 848 18 0
(23130) 13514 it_is_tough 2004 964 990 18 0
(23131) 32141 issk 1992 410 410 18 0
(23132) 32041 isps 412 412 18 0
(23133) 656 irkstepanov MIPT 1998 2223 2393 18 0
(23134) 10746 iris_astraea 東京大学大学院 1998 1099 1229 18 0
(23135) 17438 infinity220720 Putian Zhuoying Middle School 2009 819 819 18 0
(23136) 26004 inf02 2003 558 570 18 0
(23137) 11618 imharshit - 1998 1051 1261 18 0
(23138) 794 iee 2007 2146 2198 18 0
(23139) 33804 ideal_NEET 駿台予備学校 京都校 2005 370 370 18 0
(23140) 31114 ichihashi 同志社大学大学院理工学研究科 1999 432 432 18 0
(23141) 9119 ibrahim001 ADA 2003 1198 1295 18 0
(23142) 3569 ianwang1204 2006 1674 1678 18 0
(23143) 34399 i_knowu 2019 354 371 18 0
(23144) 43983 iLive 202 207 18 0
(23145) 1008 hyc_atc01 yc_hyc 2008 2074 2074 18 0
(23146) 20554 hsuanxs111 2006 717 717 18 0
(23147) 33844 hsriver 1999 369 429 18 0
(23148) 9755 houcz 2003 1159 1159 18 0
(23149) 1708 hongzy 2004 1992 2004 18 0
(23150) 16974 hnust_yuanyue 2004 834 848 18 0
(23151) 14477 hnust_xxq 923 923 18 0
(23152) 16943 hnust_luochaoyi 2000 835 949 18 0
(23153) 34049 hnust_hejianlin Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 364 364 18 0
(23154) 28553 hjx666 494 494 18 0
(23155) 45939 hiziri_mari 2000 181 184 18 0
(23156) 31745 hitwanyang 1988 418 572 18 0
(23157) 19657 hirokihello 1998 746 786 18 0
(23158) 60974 hiroesta 1998 82 87 18 0
(23159) 36686 hideasm 307 307 18 0
(23160) 46275 hibi12345678 2000 178 206 18 0
(23161) 44638 hexa_coder 1999 195 213 18 0
(23162) 51633 hesaki 1998 134 134 18 0
(23163) 26889 helperT 2013 535 535 18 0
(23164) 18849 helios69 2004 774 774 18 0
(23165) 43200 hectorleo123 Saco Oliveros 2008 211 298 18 0
(23166) 18973 hchchc 2005 769 805 18 0
(23167) 48786 hayato8739 156 156 18 0
(23168) 36970 hayatee 2003 302 327 18 0
(23169) 60733 hax 2000 83 94 18 0
(23170) 55562 hatonolabo 109 109 18 0
(23171) 45358 hathaictb 2005 187 291 18 0
(23172) 35956 haruma W-PCP 2009 322 322 18 0
(23173) 31254 harshvardhan_405 2001 429 443 18 0
(23174) 22713 harmanatcoder IIT ISM DHANBAD 2004 652 652 18 0
(23175) 33431 hararin 1998 379 379 18 0
(23176) 57987 harakai 1997 96 96 18 0
(23177) 19876 har5hcodes 2002 739 835 18 0
(23178) 43890 haqri 2008 203 210 18 0
(23179) 17655 hanzug 18239645268 2003 813 813 18 0
(23180) 40696 hanlinwenyuan 2008 243 247 18 0
(23181) 25518 hamashin12 2000 571 571 18 0
(23182) 34466 hal_shu_sato 2003 355 427 18 0
(23183) 38756 h_alpha 2001 271 286 18 0
(23184) 23231 h1192 2006 637 637 18 0
(23185) 32883 gw2264 dgfls 394 422 18 0
(23186) 50944 gw2234 dgfls 2012 139 139 18 0
(23187) 24259 gvancak 2008 607 607 18 0
(23188) 25704 guragura4989 1997 566 566 18 0
(23189) 50548 guaguaguaght 2004 142 162 18 0
(23190) 38016 gsczl71AKIOI 2011 284 514 18 0
(23191) 50548 greatright 2007 142 142 18 0
(23192) 56638 gouravsingh258 2001 103 162 18 0
(23193) 30034 goueidou 1992 457 457 18 0
(23194) 16328 good4nothing 2001 853 853 18 0
(23195) 47348 goo_l student 2002 168 224 18 0
(23196) 30864 goj0 2003 438 438 18 0
(23197) 34768 godss39 348 348 18 0
(23198) 15680 gmh100117 2010 877 907 18 0
(23199) 21246 globuss 2002 696 820 18 0
(23200) 33574 genzhi 376 447 18 0