Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(14101) 46631 raphi_ses HGWZ 173 182 7 0
(14101) 46631 maomeng 2002 173 173 4 0
(14101) 46631 luoyun 173 173 4 0
(14101) 46631 jayli 2011 173 173 3 0
(14101) 46631 ikklo 2004 173 173 6 0
(14101) 46631 dcdcwdc 17341347520 2004 173 173 5 0
(14101) 46631 curs337 173 173 7 0
(14101) 46631 Yuina2008 2008 173 359 29 0
(14101) 46631 YoungLau 951144387@qq.com 2003 173 173 2 0
(14101) 46631 W_stl Hunan Normal University 173 205 11 0
(14101) 46631 L0uie 173 173 3 0
(14101) 46631 IFCKFC 2005 173 173 2 0
(14101) 46631 Evan0530 2012 173 185 42 0
(14101) 46631 Echo7 2010 173 173 16 0
(14101) 46631 CCXuan asc 173 174 19 0
(14116) 46733 zk222 17631781077 2003 172 172 4 0
(14116) 46733 yuyuefeng 2006 172 278 2 0
(14116) 46733 yunzhilin hebtu 2023 172 172 3 0
(14116) 46733 xxl 172 205 14 0
(14116) 46733 quiet_ 2004 172 172 3 0
(14116) 46733 lylyly 2009 172 172 2 0
(14116) 46733 lldhh 2000 172 187 6 0
(14116) 46733 liruibo dgfls 172 195 26 0
(14116) 46733 junyi118 2005 172 172 5 0
(14116) 46733 hnust_yuyi 2004 172 172 4 0
(14116) 46733 hnust_sunwei 172 172 11 0
(14116) 46733 hnust_shuaizheny 2003 172 172 8 0
(14116) 46733 henry_hjj 172 172 4 0
(14116) 46733 fzyzzz 172 172 2 0
(14116) 46733 fengyvwuzu 172 172 4 0
(14116) 46733 chenyizheng 172 172 6 0
(14132) 46529 WangShuo Xi'an Eurasia University 2001 172 276 30 0
(14133) 46733 Vacuum_Track 2009 172 180 37 0
(14134) 46612 Umaru_ 2003 172 172 2 0
(14135) 46733 TheRealJTC 172 172 4 0
(14135) 46733 Ternura 2002 172 172 2 0
(14135) 46733 Steven100719 172 172 15 0
(14135) 46733 Shiguangqi 张老师和杜老师编程课 172 172 12 0
(14135) 46733 Saton9527 2024 172 172 6 0
(14135) 46733 Nowrry 2008 172 172 3 0
(14135) 46733 Luxur 2003 172 172 4 0
(14135) 46733 Liar_quan 2004 172 172 2 0
(14135) 46733 Drestar 2007 172 172 3 0
(14135) 46733 Chenyufan 2007 172 172 3 0
(14135) 46733 Canshangya 2005 172 172 5 0
(14146) 46848 zttzy 171 192 7 0
(14146) 46848 young_potato 19995956901 2012 171 179 19 0
(14146) 46848 yinshenghang2008 13583500310 2008 171 171 3 0
(14146) 46848 yichangan 171 171 11 0
(14146) 46848 yanjunhao 2011 171 171 3 0
(14146) 46848 xd244 2011 171 228 9 0
(14146) 46848 woshimolei 171 178 7 0
(14146) 46848 virapaksa 2023 171 171 10 0
(14146) 46848 switchwind 13008166449 2004 171 171 7 0
(14146) 46848 sterios 171 171 3 0
(14146) 46848 shanganze 2009 171 171 1 0
(14146) 46848 s12321s 2010 171 171 3 0
(14146) 46848 return_0 2011 171 171 8 0
(14146) 46848 qqyrxbzdtx 171 171 2 0
(14146) 46848 moqizhu2005 XDU 2005 171 171 1 0
(14146) 46848 miracle23 2000 171 237 20 0
(14146) 46848 lugaoxiang 江苏 2012 171 171 5 0
(14146) 46848 linlin7977 171 194 15 0
(14146) 46848 helloseason 1664185934@qq.com 2000 171 171 3 0
(14146) 46848 hby2010 江西南昌 2010 171 171 4 0
(14146) 46848 giao_nice 2013 171 181 13 0
(14146) 46848 dmash 171 171 1 0
(14146) 46848 cjz2023 jhbc 2013 171 182 14 0
(14146) 46848 apophasis 2000 171 252 3 0
(14146) 46848 ammdyc 171 175 9 0
(14146) 46848 Zifu 171 209 8 0
(14146) 46848 YX9 171 171 17 0
(14146) 46848 Wei_Yuanhao Don't set limits for yourself, do your best and leave the rest to providence. 2010 171 194 23 0
(14146) 46848 Umbrellawa 2004 171 171 4 0
(14146) 46848 Snna 2003 171 186 8 0
(14146) 46848 Qmaple 2004 171 171 12 0
(14146) 46848 Ex_sky 171 171 1 0
(14146) 46848 CleverLiu 171 205 11 0
(14146) 46848 Bert_Li li_shou_zheng 2010 171 171 14 0
(14146) 46848 AngA 2003 171 171 3 0
(14181) 46965 xlaser 170 170 3 0
(14181) 46965 welsher 2007 170 170 5 0
(14181) 46965 wangyuan0718 2009 170 182 86 0
(14181) 46965 wangyongxin 2011 170 170 5 0
(14181) 46965 tiaotiao0830 2010 170 218 27 0
(14181) 46965 shanqiushu 170 170 13 0
(14181) 46965 pannta 170 170 1 0
(14181) 46965 liukaiyan 18022304012 2010 170 170 7 0
(14181) 46965 linkk 四川 2021 170 170 5 0
(14181) 46965 limingzu 18098945660 2008 170 170 6 0
(14181) 46965 kuuuun 2024 170 170 5 0
(14181) 46965 kingcrimeson 170 184 8 0
(14181) 46965 keep_trying 170 170 4 0
(14181) 46965 heiwowo 15556805601 2001 170 233 14 0
(14181) 46965 fymmmmm 170 171 9 0
(14181) 46965 Zoey2014 2014 170 170 12 0
(14181) 46965 VellyK 18914998570 2001 170 170 1 0
(14181) 46965 TyjCj 2003 170 170 3 0
(14181) 46965 Stevenqin 170 170 7 0
(14181) 46965 LiCooer 170 170 6 0