Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1) 408 BadWaper Harbin Institute of Technology 2004 2389 2417 29 0
(2) 3272 daniel14311531 Harbin Institute of Technology 2004 1705 1705 5 0
(3) 9807 li_z Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 1152 1263 16 0
(4) 12324 InvictusOcean Harbin Institute of Technology,Shenzhen 2004 1013 1013 7 0
(5) 16500 Mubuky Harbin Institute of Technology 2004 845 845 12 0
(6) 27661 Duziks Harbin Institute of Technology 2004 512 512 10 0
(7) 35458 zjz2333 Harbin Institute of Technology 2002 328 770 22 0