Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(13801) 36127 duanruncheng 2002 294 294 3 0
(13802) 24225 duanson 1924 584 584 12 0
(13803) 21152 duanxiangxuan 2013 677 680 31 0
(13804) 71808 duanxiaobing 2011 39 39 2 0
(13805) 36631 duanyiting 2010 285 411 18 0
(13806) 623 duanyu 2242 2242 21 0
(13807) 4338 duanyuu 2016 1577 1577 2 0
(13808) 103193 duanzihuang 2 2 1 0
(13809) 724 ducati 2020 2190 2190 55 0
(13810) 36082 ducatineverdies 2007 295 368 3 0
(13811) 76761 duchengjun 2009 28 28 3 0
(13812) 31916 duchengze0506 2013 388 452 38 0
(13813) 9919 duck0311 1132 1132 11 0
(13814) 18243 duck_bear 774 774 1 0
(13815) 1449 duck_pear 2022 2016 2016 43 0
(13816) 1083 dudingxun Tianjin University 2002 2059 2148 9 0
(13817) 54045 duduman 19551530072 2003 107 107 4 0
(13818) 42523 duer 200 226 10 0
(13819) 63256 dueyin 西南石油大学 2003 65 65 2 0
(13820) 42002 dugouzaici 15355662859 2010 206 206 3 0
(13821) 7745 duiduia 1264 1268 51 0
(13822) 35345 duinomaker Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 2001 309 309 4 0
(13823) 35559 dujianguang 2002 305 305 6 0
(13824) 71808 dujianping 18017973833 2012 39 39 1 0
(13825) 23644 dujiao 2003 602 613 10 0
(13826) 12979 dujinzhan 17513165915 2002 972 983 22 0
(13827) 78440 dukunrong123 2023 25 25 5 0
(13828) 2243 dule56 1869 1869 19 0
(13829) 30380 dundun 2003 424 537 10 0
(13830) 99172 duo2023 5 5 1 0
(13831) 28915 duo_duo 460 460 12 0
(13832) 85636 duobao 张老师和杜老师编程课 15 15 1 0
(13833) 21827 duoka 2003 656 656 8 0
(13834) 2927 duoluoluo 1747 1756 41 0
(13835) 103193 duoxichangan 2006 2 2 1 0
(13836) 66158 duqirun 2009 55 57 17 0
(13837) 20815 durance 15728022571 2004 687 702 22 0
(13838) 86407 durck6 2014 14 14 1 0
(13839) 55637 durduryu glimmerstudio 2004 98 156 5 0
(13840) 41624 duruichen TEAM GUTC 2013 211 212 46 0
(13841) 42002 dushixuan2010 2010 206 206 5 0
(13842) 80130 dusks 18354950481 2005 22 22 1 0
(13843) 14368 dust 15190094799 2007 912 995 26 0
(13844) 81540 duwenxuan007 2010 20 20 8 0
(13845) 99172 duwxiao 17637308797 2003 5 5 1 0
(13846) 6615 duxing 1353 1353 6 0
(13847) 34556 duxuantong 13309010702 2010 326 335 30 0
(13848) 55460 duxuexiang 2005 99 99 6 0
(13849) 26554 duya2007 521 521 6 0
(13850) 78440 duyuexin 2009 25 25 5 0
(13851) 103193 duyuheng 2 2 1 0
(13852) 82983 duzeyu2023 2013 18 18 1 0
(13853) 103193 duziye 2 2 1 0
(13854) 68452 dw1234 1111111111111 2004 48 48 4 0
(13855) 48491 dw2q5 2002 144 144 4 0
(13856) 41702 dwdyy 1923 210 396 5 0
(13857) 6034 dwdyyy 2000 1404 1404 12 0
(13858) 18123 dwefeqwrvf 779 779 3 0
(13859) 35500 dwjaid 2002 306 306 13 0
(13860) 38156 dwr 2011 260 280 19 0
(13861) 16222 dwt 2011 842 842 10 0
(13862) 53842 dwylyz 2000 108 109 5 0
(13863) 61883 dx_xiao 70 70 1 0
(13864) 26486 dxbdly 2007 523 669 5 0
(13865) 99172 dxc666 2009 5 5 1 0
(13866) 4986 dxh3434 2009 1504 1504 12 0
(13867) 76229 dxhan 2012 29 29 3 0
(13868) 47054 dxjnsmjx 17515180307 2010 156 164 13 0
(13869) 37491 dxp 张老师和杜老师 270 304 33 0
(13870) 93728 dxslt111 2005 8 8 1 0
(13871) 10487 dxy I_love_Ivan_25 2009 1099 1168 5 0
(13872) 21057 dyc2022 2010 680 680 2 0
(13873) 93728 dycccccc 2003 8 8 1 0
(13874) 103193 dyfhpu Hpu 2002 2 2 1 0
(13875) 89560 dyhengaan 2010 11 11 2 0
(13876) 103193 dyj 2 2 1 0
(13877) 1670 dyj133446 2009 1994 2027 76 0
(13878) 79556 dyjvbhvhbjb 23 23 3 0
(13879) 56242 dykhl 95 95 2 0
(13880) 74832 dylsd123458 32 32 3 0
(13881) 1735 dynamicI 1949 1975 2251 44 0
(13882) 8489 dyoiczn 1217 1247 16 0
(13883) 37247 dysprositos 2004 274 274 14 0
(13884) 71418 dysyzxhzh 东营市实验中学 2010 40 40 3 0
(13885) 76229 dyt_dirt 2008 29 29 1 0
(13886) 31916 dyx192 13978478752 2002 388 480 23 0
(13887) 30670 dyx666 2004 417 417 3 0
(13888) 2288 dyxx University of Science and Technology of China 2003 1860 1860 32 0
(13889) 7813 dyyyyyyyy 2001 1260 1390 27 0
(13890) 63256 dyyzy 2007 65 65 3 0
(13891) 21827 dyz 13196745712 2005 656 656 17 0
(13892) 43028 dyz20120726 13921079078 2012 195 199 6 0
(13893) 34935 dzcmingdi 318 318 10 0
(13894) 103193 dzg a 2009 2 2 1 0
(13895) 31742 dzh 2004 393 393 8 0
(13896) 29778 dzh0628 2006 439 446 10 0
(13897) 19446 dzhmonika 2003 733 824 14 0
(13898) 56601 dzp2023 13160011962 2004 93 93 3 0
(13899) 53842 dzq 2009 108 108 2 0
(13900) 55280 dzy1122 100 108 22 0