Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1) 100112 A_Rakin IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture & Technology 2002 6 6 1 0
(2) 106332 BishwasKoirala just a econimics and bussiness student of an average university 2003 2 2 1 0
(3) 62474 etermory Fujian Business University 2005 75 75 1 0
(4) 96387 n_azifa IUBAT-Internatinal University of Business Agriculture and Technology 2001 8 8 1 0
(5) 106332 saidul2003 International University of Business Agriculture & Techonology 2003 2 2 1 0
(6) 39630 jiayuan8 Columbia Business School 1997 254 297 2 0
(7) 76546 obaidulsaiki international university of business agriculture and techology 2002 33 33 2 0
(8) 70858 Sp3cTer International University of Business Agriculture and Technology 2001 47 51 3 0
(9) 61257 shahriar_kabir International University of Business Agriculture and Technology 2000 80 80 3 0
(10) 41334 Y09 Business Consulting Firm 233 240 4 0
(11) 85411 mdtuhinhasnat Bangladesh University of Business and Technology 2002 18 18 5 0
(12) 62742 TechWolf Bangladesh University of Business and Technology 2001 74 95 8 0
(13) 45890 Mr_Sohel Bangladesh University Of Business and Technology 2000 180 180 13 0
(14) 56108 solop Bangladesh University of Business & Technology 2000 105 116 14 0
(15) 25811 R_i_n_Nabil Bangladesh University of Business and Technology 2001 561 561 17 0
(16) 35869 sahenulislam Bangladesh University of Business & Technology 2000 321 378 21 0
(17) 39633 NaZiM__ Bangladesh Univeersity of Business and Technology 1999 256 283 23 0
(18) 12220 jahid_hridoy Bangladesh University of Business and Technology 1019 1038 36 0
(19) 18210 syakedaikonn sine 794 850 38 0
(20) 40695 T_tasir Bangladesh University of Business and technology 1998 241 311 41 0