Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1) 393 bucketpotato can i really just put anything here and atcoder will display it !@#$%^&*()¨...jkl<>M<>:"" 2004 2419 2454 38 0
(2) 3380 fengyuyue https://kenkoooo.com/atcoder#/table/ 2006 1701 1701 13 0
(3) 5641 putong2 https://kenkoooo.com/atcoder#/table/ 1455 1455 28 0
(4) 7161 nejiko96 https://github.com/nejiko96/at_coder_friends 1973 1330 1610 19 0
(5) 11958 kakaokakao Paken@kazuppakun narabikaeruto nappuzakku!!@momoiro-coder@TJM@kazuppatensai!!@kazuppayeah! 2011 1042 1046 34 0
(6) 13122 adrielcp can i really just put anything here and atcoder will display it !@#$%^&amp;*()¨...jkl&lt;&gt;M&lt;&gt;:&quot;&quot; 989 1053 32 0
(7) 13436 becoder_bot1 becoder 1925 975 975 4 0
(8) 13875 pien_paon baka coder 2007 957 963 25 0
(9) 15479 codehyx atcoderはゴミです 2009 891 955 48 0
(10) 22354 abc_xyz atcoder_atcoder_atcoder 669 750 44 0
(11) 29532 X2357 atcoder 477 629 79 0
(12) 31914 m4s4 Atcoder 2001 421 454 8 0
(13) 32713 now4est https://kenkoooo.com/atcoder/#/user/now4est 405 451 29 0
(14) 35531 hmzcatcodemc Atcoder_Offical 1936 339 339 6 0
(15) 39891 Piyush_Singh coder 1999 262 413 38 0
(16) 48396 FZheng https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc284 2004 165 165 2 0
(17) 49445 abdurr coder 2009 156 156 8 0
(18) 49592 Ultimatebeast03 Desire to become a great coder 2003 155 155 6 0
(19) 54324 diwakar_singh coder 2001 121 170 12 0
(20) 76018 muffinboy coder 2003 37 37 1 0
(21) 77377 tgk554 atcoder 2004 34 36 4 0
(22) 105499 PavanReddy129 atcoder 2004 3 3 1 0
(23) 108719 atcoder_shit atcoder_shit 1925 2 2 1 0
(23) 108719 cristiano07 Best coder of my college 2004 2 2 1 0
(23) 108719 shirin_coder coder 2005 2 2 1 0