Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1) 30762 usuraip Nagoya Univercity 2004 435 440 11 0
(2) 31223 nomura0928 Saitama Univercity 2005 425 425 8 0
(3) 38537 JavaScript007 shinshu Univercity 2002 271 271 13 0
(4) 46612 kugo5956 Univercity of Thukuba 2003 172 178 11 0
(5) 50403 hirokinn Keio Univercity 2003 141 164 13 0
(6) 52943 SeonghyeonKim Pusan National Univercity 2000 123 123 4 0
(7) 58494 atsurouuuuuu Tsukuba Univercity 2001 92 92 3 0
(8) 69041 kasane_Y Univercity 2002 52 52 2 0
(9) 72565 HIkes Saitama Univercity 2000 42 42 7 0
(10) 85355 AbebeAbaba Univercity of Aizu 2005 18 18 3 0
(11) 88150 atuooooo The Univercity of Electro-Communications 15 15 3 0
(12) 106278 terrence119 Musashino Gakuin Univercity 2003 2 2 1 0