Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(13301) 51514 th200000 2001 133 133 18 0
(13302) 40098 th2 1994 248 254 47 0
(13303) 10462 th13miko ragnant 1110 1371 97 0
(13304) 38223 th1214 276 276 22 0
(13305) 106278 th1111 2007 2 2 1 0
(13306) 67788 th014 BUET 2002 56 56 1 0
(13307) 106278 th0001 2003 2 2 1 0
(13308) 50282 tgylsi 142 142 1 0
(13309) 42694 tgupt 2004 214 214 3 0
(13310) 88984 tgupg 14 14 1 0
(13311) 92030 tgtg_oldgram 2003 11 11 1 0
(13312) 63950 tgsukun NUM 2003 69 93 10 0
(13313) 3463 tgs93111 1926 1682 1682 4 0
(13314) 83850 tgoyal2001 2001 20 20 2 0
(13315) 9331 tgkw 1998 1181 1205 16 0
(13316) 75977 tgk554 atcoder 2004 34 36 4 0
(13317) 100032 tgiw 1998 6 6 1 0
(13318) 85355 tghr0503 18 18 2 0
(13319) 96343 tggt 2011 8 8 2 0
(13320) 57723 tgcdwd 96 96 10 0
(13321) 87302 tg490 2004 16 16 1 0
(13322) 46955 tfzo2401 2000 169 169 7 0
(13323) 57930 tfyuto National Institute of Technology, Toyama College 2006 95 95 9 0
(13324) 30081 tfurumi 1999 452 452 21 0
(13325) 81179 tfujiwara1201 24 24 1 0
(13326) 86271 tfuabio 1990 17 17 1 0
(13327) 73817 tftakeru 大学 1999 39 39 4 0
(13328) 106278 tflno1 1987 2 2 1 0
(13329) 19309 tflave 753 753 30 0
(13330) 9919 tfl_tkpc Paken 2010 1145 1271 106 0
(13331) 17617 tfgs 810 998 17 0
(13332) 338 tfg 1997 2444 2672 54 0
(13333) 59331 tezizizi 1999 88 88 3 0
(13334) 106278 text999 2 2 1 0
(13335) 17484 texo 1996 814 833 22 0
(13336) 76878 texnan 1986 32 32 3 0
(13337) 106278 texiwus 2 2 1 0
(13338) 34162 texira 1998 357 386 36 0
(13339) 32305 tex51 403 403 16 0
(13340) 66219 tewli 61 61 4 0
(13341) 50811 tevilein 138 138 13 0
(13342) 17918 tetz_arctic 802 913 60 0
(13343) 36799 teturaru 2005 301 301 7 0
(13344) 17138 tetuomi 824 857 77 0
(13345) 45772 tetuo1024 180 217 20 0
(13346) 20474 tetunoshin 1998 715 715 14 0
(13347) 48152 tetunoko 159 164 4 0
(13348) 96343 tetuduki 8 8 1 0
(13349) 28865 tettyan330 482 482 28 0
(13350) 101907 tettyan01 2001 5 5 1 0
(13351) 15591 tettyA Big Slope Pre. 2006 876 963 76 0
(13352) 106278 tetty2525 東京大学 2000 2 2 1 0
(13353) 41993 tetter 2000 223 232 52 0
(13354) 14408 tetteke 2001 922 922 9 0
(13355) 76445 tetta_pdnt 2001 33 33 1 0
(13356) 100032 tetsuyaxjp 1985 6 6 1 0
(13357) 12864 tetsuyatyamamoto - 988 1000 72 0
(13358) 16428 tetsuyasd 1973 847 847 40 0
(13359) 30081 tetsuya_horie 1971 452 452 11 0
(13360) 65379 tetsuya71 1998 64 64 5 0
(13361) 49381 tetsushi333 情報工学系 2001 149 149 9 0
(13362) 45396 tetsush 1990 184 184 13 0
(13363) 8263 tetsupp 1981 1241 1294 93 0
(13364) 59331 tetsuoh0103 88 103 5 0
(13365) 80561 tetsumoto 25 25 2 0
(13366) 68117 tetsuhiro2 55 55 2 0
(13367) 44557 tetsugo 2002 193 193 14 0
(13368) 30377 tetsu_atcoder 1999 445 445 10 0
(13369) 60185 tetsu_210 2006 84 93 10 0
(13370) 62328 tetsuTK Tokai Junior High School 2008 75 75 7 0
(13371) 98063 tetsu9528 湘南工科大学 2003 7 7 1 0
(13372) 51955 tetsu56 2000 130 130 8 0
(13373) 23071 tetsu24y 名古屋工業大学 638 665 46 0
(13374) 65946 tetsu22 徳風技能専門学校 1971 62 67 15 0
(13375) 106278 tetsu11 1995 2 2 1 0
(13376) 20800 tetraloba Kagawa University 2001 705 705 17 0
(13377) 93810 tetracontane 2008 10 10 1 0
(13378) 43334 tetra0717 206 206 6 0
(13379) 11110 tetra04 2000 1075 1202 107 0
(13380) 101907 tetorix 5 5 1 0
(13381) 98063 tetorisumino 7 7 1 0
(13382) 49381 tetorathomson 149 149 17 0
(13383) 15277 tetorapentagon The University of Electro-Communications 888 1017 98 0
(13384) 23749 tetora007 618 618 35 0
(13385) 106278 teto2486 2005 2 2 1 0
(13386) 21013 tetn 699 715 50 0
(13387) 53717 tetlion 118 118 8 0
(13388) 32089 tetk 407 530 26 0
(13389) 14629 tetitubuta TMNA 1986 913 923 28 0
(13390) 95178 tethet 2005 9 9 1 0
(13391) 65946 teteuryan Universidade Federal de Alagoas 2003 62 62 4 0
(13392) 28959 tetetetora 480 485 19 0
(13393) 65946 tetete_tete 1993 62 62 3 0
(13393) 65946 tetete_p 2001 62 62 3 0
(13395) 106278 tetete88 2003 2 2 1 0
(13395) 106278 tetete051 1992 2 2 1 0
(13397) 65946 teterote 1999 62 62 3 0
(13398) 30250 teten 448 448 21 0
(13399) 69041 tete_i 1990 52 52 2 0
(13400) 66520 tete_ 60 60 5 0