Ranking All Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1) 15118 zhengxy High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 896 896 30 0
(2) 15834 zgy_st High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 869 869 7 0
(3) 3738 yx20201301 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 1978 1654 1654 11 0
(4) - yanghaojie0514 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 9 9 3 0
(4) - st20231229 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 13 13 1 0
(4) - st20231210 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 2 2 1 0
(4) - st20230611 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 27 27 4 0
(4) - st20230304 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 2 2 1 0
(4) - qiuchuanjie High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 31 31 3 0
(10) 4298 mo_om High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 1596 1596 72 0
(11) - lixr High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 7 7 2 0
(11) - liussd High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 22 22 3 0
(11) - liujunhong High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 62 62 1 0
(14) 3242 jianylg High School Affiliated to Southwest University 1925 1713 1790 10 0
(15) - hexin High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 67 67 9 0
(16) 3607 czy20150005czy High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2010 1668 1723 47 0
(17) 3835 cjh20090318 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2009 1642 1642 45 0
(18) - caoao High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 13 13 2 0
(19) 2422 c20231020_ High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 1843 1879 74 0
(20) 2341 c20230537 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 1857 1857 44 0
(21) - c20230522 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 205 210 7 0
(22) 4734 c20230507 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 1544 1544 26 0
(23) - c20230337 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 104 136 5 0
(23) - c20230323 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 16 16 3 0
(23) - YuWenze High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 5 5 2 0
(26) 5592 Yanran High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 1455 1466 29 0
(27) - Xuhansheng High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 2 2 1 0
(28) 8123 WinterSunny High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 1252 1252 19 0
(29) - TerryWang High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2005 1687 1687 8 0
(29) - TY_Cib High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 82 82 6 0
(29) - Mourning1112 High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 27 27 5 0
(29) - Minus_Stardust High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2006 596 596 5 0
(33) 11749 Liyanx High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2006 1042 1063 16 0
(34) 6979 LYH_cpp High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 1334 1334 6 0
(35) 10735 GUN_zyk High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 1096 1096 26 0
(36) - CMdong High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 4 4 1 0
(37) 16567 Autreekt High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2008 844 940 17 0
(38) 106332 AtcoderFZOIer High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2022 2 2 1 0
(39) 10342 Alinxester High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2007 1119 1205 21 0
(40) 7980 Aftglw High School Affiliated to Southwest University 2021 1261 1299 12 0