Ranking All Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1901) 852 xiaowuc1 2123 2307 29 0
(1902) - behzad_nouri 2091 2318 30 0
(1902) - hawkomg 2206 2323 12 0
(1902) - cliu568 MIT 1999 2324 2324 6 0
(1905) 458 rqi Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2003 2350 2350 9 0
(1906) 510 cai_lw Headlands Technologies 1996 2308 2359 59 0
(1907) - spencercompton 2119 2360 15 0
(1908) 426 gabrielwu Harvard University 2003 2377 2377 9 0
(1909) - TusanHomichi 2383 2383 8 0
(1909) - summitwei scarsdale high school 2002 2388 2388 17 0
(1909) - negativeb MIT 2397 2397 8 0
(1912) 386 bucketpotato can i really just put anything here and atcoder will display it !@#$%^&*()¨...jkl<>M<>:"" 2004 2419 2454 38 0
(1913) - chenmark MIT 1990 2472 2477 23 0
(1914) 265 timmyfeng 2004 2518 2518 10 0
(1915) - dragonslayerit 2537 2537 3 0
(1915) - eecs 2000 2595 2610 35 0
(1917) 206 socketnaut Cornell University 1994 2617 2617 24 0
(1918) - lewin 1993 2705 2759 17 1
(1919) 138 Geothermal Swarthmore College 2000 2773 2773 15 0
(1920) 137 SHZhang MIT 2004 2776 2776 12 0
(1921) 126 AndrewG 2800 2839 45 0
(1921) 126 neal 2800 2842 24 0
(1923) - desert97 Stanford 1997 2982 2985 24 0
(1924) 47 dnialh 6c8faf8d9d59a85f69de9af6c2862870 2000 3014 3014 31 0
(1925) 15 scott_wu Harvard University 1996 3362 3406 18 0
(1926) - Benq MIT 2001 3658 3683 48 0
(1927) 4 ecnerwala MIT 1997 3626 3814 37 2