Ranking All Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(101) - Mip182 Higher School of Economics 2003 2242 2242 32 0
(102) 752 sevlll777 Higher School of Economics 2004 2176 2256 43 0
(103) - TianXie Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 1991 2369 2512 17 0
(104) 139 isaf27 Higher School of Economics 2000 2771 2790 29 0
(105) - Maksim1744 Higher School of Economics 2001 2876 2876 19 0
(105) - riadwaw Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1993 2927 2999 21 0
(107) 80 Arterm Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1996 2870 3160 38 0