Ranking All Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(1) 106332 Roshan2606 Kit-kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of technology 2005 2 2 1 0
(2) - HARHIE Kitami Institute of Technology 25 28 7 0
(2) - nanji43 The University of Kitakyushu 1997 51 57 11 0
(4) 60327 AtsuAtsu0120 CirKit(金沢工業大学) 2004 84 95 6 0
(5) 47426 Nandia Hello_Kitty 2010 166 166 20 0
(6) 46733 aecx6194 Kit 2003 172 176 9 0
(7) - TomyJPN NIT,Kitakyush Colledge 2000 190 190 10 0
(8) 40042 nanndato01 Kitakyushu National College of Technology 2007 250 250 15 0
(9) - kyoshitomi The University of Kitakyushu 1995 336 343 8 0
(9) - Takaihito KitKat 2002 498 589 25 0
(11) 20472 light16 Kitami Institute of Technology 2004 717 780 49 0
(12) 14236 planck16 Kitauji High School 2000 930 944 73 0
(13) 9066 awageppo Kitauji high school 1199 1606 84 0
(14) - Mcpu3 National Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu College 2002 1231 1231 38 0
(15) 7440 Ang107 Kitami institute of Technology 2002 1301 1328 76 0