H - Happy 2015 Editorial /

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As the end of year 2015 approaching, the downtown area has been lighted up to celebrate year’s end. At this year, Cat Snuke also enjoys making a light-up device for the downtown area.

The downtown can be regarded as a one-dimensional line of numbers. There are N lights that have been installed on this number line. When the power of the i_{th} light is on, it can illuminate an interval of [l_i, r_i] (inclusive).

Although Cat Snuke can switch on the N lights independently as his wish, he wants to try different illumination combinations as many as possible. Then, if we had tried all the combinations of 2^N illumination combinations, we want to know how many different illumination combinations there are, of which each combination is a set of points that for each point in it can be illuminated by one or more lights.

When we tried all the 2^N illumination combination, please answer the number of the different illumination combinations, modulo 1,000,000,007.


Inputs will be given by standard input in following format

l_1 r_1
l_2 r_2
l_N r_N
  • At the first line, an integer N(1≦N≦2,000) will be given divided by a space.
  • From the second line there are N additional lines to give the information about the illumination range. For the i_{th} line, integer l_i, r_i(0≦l_i<r_i≦1,000,000,000) will be given divided by a space.


Please answer the number of the different illumination combinations, modulo 1,000,000,007.

Print a newline at the end of output.

Input Example 1

0 1
1 2
0 2
1 3

Output Example 1


There are 16 different ways of attaching the light power, but there are only 6 different illumination combinations, \{φ\}, \{[0, 1]\}, \{[1, 2]\}, \{[0, 2]\}, \{[1, 3]\}, \{[0, 3]\}.

Input Example 2

0 4
7 12
1 3
6 8
2 3
4 6
8 9
2 7
9 11
1 2
3 5
7 9

Output Example 2


Input Example 3

0 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
10 11
12 13
14 15
16 17
18 19
0 3
4 7
8 13
14 19

Output Example 3