Submission #54163972
Source Code Expand
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include <math.h>
#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <fstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <assert.h>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
#define all(x) begin(x), end(x)
#define isz(x) int(size(x))
#define forx(x, n) for(int x = 0; x < n; ++x)
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::pair;
using ll = long long;
using ull = unsigned long long;
using real = long double;
using uint = unsigned int;
using pii = std::pair<int, int>;
using pll = std::pair<ll, ll>;
using vi = vector<int>;
using vvi = vector<vi>;
using vvvi = vector<vvi>;
using vpii = vector<pii>;
using vvpii = vector<vpii>;
using vvvpii = vector<vvpii>;
const auto ready = []()
return true;
ll binpow(ll a, ll p, ll mod)
if (p == 0) return 1 % mod;
ll half = binpow(a, p / 2, mod);
half = half * half % mod;
if (p & 1) half = half * a % mod;
return half;
namespace algos {
namespace SegmentTreeLazyTraits {
* Use Traits<Value,Extra> for definition of:
* 1) neutral element for `Value`;
* 2) neutral element for `Extra`;
* 3) how should combine `Extra` with `Value`;
* 4) how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root);
* 5) how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`;
* See examples below: TraitsMinAdd<Value, Extra>
* Available traits, implemented in header file SegmentTreeLazyTraits.hpp
template<typename Value, typename Extra> struct LazyMinAdd;
template<typename Value, typename Extra> struct LazyMaxAdd;
template<typename Value, typename Extra> struct LazySumSet;
template<typename Value, typename Extra> struct LazySumMul;
template<typename Value, typename Extra> struct LazyGeomSumMul;
* Traits for minimal value on segment.
* Get-query: get minimal value in segment [l, r]
* Update-query: add const to each value in segment [l, r]
template<typename Value, typename Extra>
struct LazyMinAdd {
// Definition of neutral element for `Value`:
static Value valueNeutral() { return std::numeric_limits<Value>::max(); }
// Definition of neutral element for `Extra`:
static Extra extraNeutral() { return Extra(0); }
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Value`:
template<typename Node>
static Value getValue(const Node& src) {
return src.value() + src.extra();
// Definition of how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root):
template<typename NodeRoot, typename NodeLt, typename NodeRt>
static void pull(NodeRoot root, const NodeLt& lt, const NodeRt& rt) {
root.value() = std::min(getValue(lt), getValue(rt));
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`:
template<typename NodeDst, typename NodeSrc>
static void push(NodeDst dst, const NodeSrc& src) {
dst.extra() += src.extra();
* Traits for maximal value on segment.
* Get-query: get maximal value in segment [l, r]
* Update-query: add const to each value in segment [l, r]
template<typename Value, typename Extra>
struct LazyMaxAdd {
// Definition of neutral element for `Value`:
static Value valueNeutral() { return std::numeric_limits<Value>::min(); }
// Definition of neutral element for `Extra`:
static Extra extraNeutral() { return Extra(0); }
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Value`:
template<typename Node>
static Value getValue(const Node& src) {
return src.value() + src.extra();
// Definition of how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root):
template<typename NodeRoot, typename NodeLt, typename NodeRt>
static void pull(NodeRoot root, const NodeLt& lt, const NodeRt& rt) {
root.value() = std::max(getValue(lt), getValue(rt));
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`:
template<typename NodeDst, typename NodeSrc>
static void push(NodeDst dst, const NodeSrc& src) {
dst.extra() += src.extra();
* Traits for sum of values on segment.
* Get-query: sum of values on segment [l, r]
* Update-query: set const to each value in segment [l, r]
template<typename Value, typename Extra>
struct LazySumSet {
// Definition of neutral element for `Value`:
static Value valueNeutral() { return Value(0); }
// Definition of neutral element for `Extra`:
static Extra extraNeutral() { return Extra(-1); }
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Value`:
template<typename Node>
static Value getValue(const Node& src) {
return src.extra() == extraNeutral() ? src.value() : src.len() * src.extra();
// Definition of how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root):
template<typename NodeRoot, typename NodeLt, typename NodeRt>
static void pull(NodeRoot root, const NodeLt& lt, const NodeRt& rt) {
root.value() = getValue(lt) + getValue(rt);
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`:
template<typename NodeDst, typename NodeSrc>
static void push(NodeDst dst, const NodeSrc& src) {
dst.extra() = src.extra();
* Traits for sum on segment with addition.
* Get-query: sum of values on segment [l, r]
* Update-query: add const to each value on segment [l, r]
template<typename Value, typename Extra>
struct LazySumAdd {
// Definition of neutral element for `Value`:
static Value valueNeutral() { return Value(0); }
// Definition of neutral element for `Extra`:
static Extra extraNeutral() { return Extra(0); }
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Value`:
template<typename Node>
static Value getValue(const Node& src) {
return src.value() + src.extra() * src.len();
// Definition of how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root):
template<typename NodeRoot, typename NodeLt, typename NodeRt>
static void pull(NodeRoot root, const NodeLt& lt, const NodeRt& rt) {
root.value() = getValue(lt) + getValue(rt);
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`:
template<typename NodeDst, typename NodeSrc>
static void push(NodeDst dst, const NodeSrc& src) {
dst.extra() += src.extra();
template<typename Value, typename Extra>
struct LazySumMul {
// Definition of neutral element for `Value`:
static Value valueNeutral() { return Value(0); }
// Definition of neutral element for `Extra`:
static Extra extraNeutral() { return Extra(1); }
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Value`:
template<typename Node>
static Value getValue(const Node& src) {
return src.value() * src.extra();
// Definition of how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root):
template<typename NodeRoot, typename NodeLt, typename NodeRt>
static void pull(NodeRoot root, const NodeLt& lt, const NodeRt& rt) {
root.value() = getValue(lt) + getValue(rt);
// Definition of how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`:
template<typename NodeDst, typename NodeSrc>
static void push(NodeDst dst, const NodeSrc& src) {
dst.extra() *= src.extra();
} // namespace SegmentTreeLazyTraits
} // namespace algos
namespace SegmentTreeLazy {
using namespace algos::SegmentTreeLazyTraits;
* SegmentTree<Value, Extra, Traits> - segment tree class with lazy propagation, 0-indexed
* Default operations: minimal value on segment and addition on segment for int64_t type
* Use Traits<Value,Extra> for definition of:
* 1) neutral element for `Value`;
* 2) neutral element for `Extra`;
* 3) how should combine `Extra` with `Value`;
* 4) how should combine `Value` with `Value` (children to root);
* 5) how should combine `Extra` with `Extra`;
* See examples below: TraitsMinAdd<Value, Extra>
* Available traits, implemented below
template<typename Value, typename Extra> using TraitsMinAdd = LazyMinAdd<Value, Extra>;
template<typename Value, typename Extra> using TraitsMaxAdd = LazyMaxAdd<Value, Extra>;
template<typename Value, typename Extra> using TraitsSumSet = LazySumSet<Value, Extra>;
template<typename Value, typename Extra> using TraitsSumMul = LazySumMul<Value, Extra>;
* SegmentTree, see description above
template<typename Value = int64_t, typename Extra = int64_t, typename Traits = TraitsMinAdd<Value, Extra> >
struct SegmentTree {
* Node class
struct Node {
Value value;
Extra extra;
Node(Value value_ = Traits::valueNeutral(), Extra extra_ = Traits::extraNeutral())
: value(value_), extra(extra_) { }
Value getValue(int l, int r) const { return Traits::getValue(NodeWrapper<Node>(l, r, *this)); }
* NodeWrapper class
template<typename NodeType>
struct NodeWrapper {
int l, r;
NodeType node;
NodeWrapper(int l_, int r_, NodeType node_)
: l(l_), r(r_), node(node_) { }
int left() const { return l; }
int right() const { return r; }
int mid() const { return (l + r) / 2; }
int len() const { return r - l + 1; }
Value& value() { return node.value; }
Extra& extra() { return node.extra; }
const Value& value() const { return node.value; }
const Extra& extra() const { return node.extra; }
* SegmentTree public data: n - number of items, data - vector for nodes
int n; std::vector<Node> data;
* Resize segment tree data to needed size
void resize(int n_) {
n = n_;
data.assign(2 * n - 1, Node());
* Lazy propagation from node to its children
void push(int v, int l, int r, int m) {
if (data[v].extra != Traits::extraNeutral()) {
NodeWrapper<Node&>(l, m, data[v + 1]),
NodeWrapper<const Node&>(l, r, data[v])
NodeWrapper<Node&>(m + 1, r, data[v + 2 * (m - l + 1)]),
NodeWrapper<const Node&>(l, r, data[v])
data[v].extra = Traits::extraNeutral();
* Update node using children values
void pull(int v, int l, int r, int m) {
assert(data[v].extra == Traits::extraNeutral());
NodeWrapper<Node&>(l, r, data[v]),
NodeWrapper<const Node&>(l, m, data[v + 1]),
NodeWrapper<const Node&>(m + 1, r, data[v + 2 * (m - l + 1)])
* Build segtree from array with given values
template<typename T>
void build(const std::vector<T>& arr, const int v, const int tl, const int tr) {
if (tl == tr) {
data[v] = Node(arr[tl]);
else {
const int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
build(arr, v + 1, tl, tm);
build(arr, v + 2 * (tm - tl + 1), tm + 1, tr);
pull(v, tl, tr, tm);
template<typename T>
void build(const std::vector<T>& arr) {
build(arr, 0, 0, n - 1);
* Get-query on range [ql, qr]
Node get(int ql, int qr, const int v, const int tl, const int tr) {
if (ql == tl && qr == tr) {
return data[v];
else {
int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
push(v, tl, tr, tm);
Node ret;
if (qr <= tm) {
ret = get(ql, qr, v + 1, tl, tm);
else if (ql > tm) {
ret = get(ql, qr, v + 2 * (tm - tl + 1), tm + 1, tr);
else {
const auto lt = get(ql, tm, v + 1, tl, tm);
const auto rt = get(tm + 1, qr, v + 2 * (tm - tl + 1), tm + 1, tr);
NodeWrapper<Node&>(ql, qr, ret),
NodeWrapper<const Node&>(ql, tm, lt),
NodeWrapper<const Node&>(tm + 1, qr, rt)
pull(v, tl, tr, tm);
return ret;
Value get(const int ql, const int qr) { return get(ql, qr, 0, 0, n - 1).getValue(ql, qr); }
* Update query on range [ql, qr] by extra
void update(const int ql, const int qr, const Extra& extra, const int v, const int tl, const int tr) {
if (ql == tl && tr == qr) {
NodeWrapper<Node&>(tl, tr, data[v]),
NodeWrapper<Node>(ql, qr, Node(Traits::valueNeutral(), extra))
else {
int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
push(v, tl, tr, tm);
if (qr <= tm) {
update(ql, qr, extra, v + 1, tl, tm);
else if (ql > tm) {
update(ql, qr, extra, v + 2 * (tm - tl + 1), tm + 1, tr);
else {
update(ql, tm, extra, v + 1, tl, tm);
update(tm + 1, qr, extra, v + 2 * (tm - tl + 1), tm + 1, tr);
pull(v, tl, tr, tm);
void update(const int ql, const int qr, const Extra& extra) {
update(ql, qr, extra, 0, 0, n - 1);
} // namespace SegmentTreeLazy
void solve()
int n, k;
cin >> n >> k;
vi vec(n);
forx(i, n) cin >> vec[i];
if (k > 0)
cout << "Yes\n";
for (auto& el : vec) cout << el << " ";
cout << "\n";
ll tmp = std::accumulate(all(vec), 0LL);
if (tmp < k) cout << "No\n";
cout << "Yes\n";
for (auto& el : vec) cout << el << " ";
cout << "\n";
int main()
int t = 1;
while (t--) solve();
return 0;
Submission Info
Submission Time |
Task |
A - Partition |
User |
Anatoly_ig |
Language |
C++ 20 (gcc 12.2) |
Score |
300 |
Code Size |
19401 Byte |
Status |
AC |
Exec Time |
31 ms |
Memory |
3868 KB |
Judge Result
Set Name |
Sample |
All |
Score / Max Score |
0 / 0 |
300 / 300 |
Status |
Set Name |
Test Cases |
Sample |
00-sample-001.txt, 00-sample-002.txt, 00-sample-003.txt |
All |
00-sample-001.txt, 00-sample-002.txt, 00-sample-003.txt, 01-handmade-001.txt, 01-handmade-002.txt, 01-handmade-003.txt, 01-handmade-004.txt, 01-handmade-005.txt, 01-handmade-006.txt, 01-handmade-007.txt, 01-handmade-008.txt, 01-handmade-009.txt, 01-handmade-010.txt, 01-handmade-011.txt, 01-handmade-012.txt, 01-handmade-013.txt, 01-handmade-014.txt, 01-handmade-015.txt, 01-handmade-016.txt, 01-handmade-017.txt, 01-handmade-018.txt, 01-handmade-019.txt, 01-handmade-020.txt, 01-handmade-021.txt, 01-handmade-022.txt, 01-handmade-023.txt, 01-handmade-024.txt, 01-handmade-025.txt, 02-random-001.txt, 02-random-002.txt, 02-random-003.txt, 02-random-004.txt, 02-random-005.txt, 02-random-006.txt, 02-random-007.txt, 02-random-008.txt, 02-random-009.txt, 02-random-010.txt, 02-random-011.txt, 02-random-012.txt, 02-random-013.txt, 02-random-014.txt, 02-random-015.txt, 02-random-016.txt, 02-random-017.txt, 02-random-018.txt, 02-random-019.txt, 02-random-020.txt |
Case Name |
Status |
Exec Time |
Memory |
00-sample-001.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3520 KB |
00-sample-002.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3456 KB |
00-sample-003.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3472 KB |
01-handmade-001.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3460 KB |
01-handmade-002.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3508 KB |
01-handmade-003.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3452 KB |
01-handmade-004.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3408 KB |
01-handmade-005.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3512 KB |
01-handmade-006.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3316 KB |
01-handmade-007.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3432 KB |
01-handmade-008.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3412 KB |
01-handmade-009.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3456 KB |
01-handmade-010.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3520 KB |
01-handmade-011.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3460 KB |
01-handmade-012.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3472 KB |
01-handmade-013.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3408 KB |
01-handmade-014.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3316 KB |
01-handmade-015.txt |
AC |
23 ms |
3804 KB |
01-handmade-016.txt |
AC |
12 ms |
3868 KB |
01-handmade-017.txt |
AC |
12 ms |
3820 KB |
01-handmade-018.txt |
AC |
12 ms |
3424 KB |
01-handmade-019.txt |
AC |
24 ms |
3548 KB |
01-handmade-020.txt |
AC |
17 ms |
3572 KB |
01-handmade-021.txt |
AC |
12 ms |
3472 KB |
01-handmade-022.txt |
AC |
9 ms |
3460 KB |
01-handmade-023.txt |
AC |
8 ms |
3592 KB |
01-handmade-024.txt |
AC |
31 ms |
3836 KB |
01-handmade-025.txt |
AC |
29 ms |
3784 KB |
02-random-001.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3384 KB |
02-random-002.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3420 KB |
02-random-003.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3380 KB |
02-random-004.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3500 KB |
02-random-005.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3476 KB |
02-random-006.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3424 KB |
02-random-007.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3476 KB |
02-random-008.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3524 KB |
02-random-009.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3472 KB |
02-random-010.txt |
AC |
1 ms |
3516 KB |
02-random-011.txt |
AC |
17 ms |
3524 KB |
02-random-012.txt |
AC |
5 ms |
3376 KB |
02-random-013.txt |
AC |
31 ms |
3828 KB |
02-random-014.txt |
AC |
18 ms |
3504 KB |
02-random-015.txt |
AC |
4 ms |
3424 KB |
02-random-016.txt |
AC |
2 ms |
3516 KB |
02-random-017.txt |
AC |
3 ms |
3524 KB |
02-random-018.txt |
AC |
6 ms |
3464 KB |
02-random-019.txt |
AC |
10 ms |
3560 KB |
02-random-020.txt |
AC |
29 ms |
3836 KB |