
G - Generate Arrays Editorial by en_translator

If the \(i\)-th operation can be simulated in \(O(1+\min\lbrace l _ i,l _ {s _ i}\rbrace\log N)\) time, where \(l _ i\) and \(l _ {s _ i}\) are the lengths of sequence \(i\) and sequence \(l _ {s _ i}\), respectively, then the entire queries can be processed in a total of \(O(Q+N(\log N) ^ 2)\).

Rough explanation on complexity analysis

This is so-called “reversed merging technique.”

If we see the operations in reverse order, we are merging sequences of lengths \(a\) and \(b\) in \(O(1+\min\lbrace a,b\rbrace\log\min\lbrace a,b\rbrace)\) time (where actual merging method is disregarded). Here, this operation costs \(O(1)\) time overall, plus \(O(\log N)\) time for each element in the shorter sequence.

Considering the contribution of each element to the overall complexity, an element contributes at most \(\log _ 2N\) time, since every operation doubles the length of the sequence in which the element is contained.

Therefore, the overall complexity is \(O(Q+N(\log N) ^ 2)\).

In order to process each operation in \(O(1+\min\lbrace l _ i,l _ {s _ i}\rbrace\log N)\) time, it is a good idea to use a balanced binary search tree or a linked list.

For example, one can use std::set to manage \(\bigl\lbrace(i,A _ i)\bigr\rbrace\) and \(\bigl\lbrace(A _ i,i)\bigr\rbrace\) in order to process each query fast enough.

The following is sample code. In the sample code below, we manage \(\bigl\lbrace(A _ i,i)\bigr\rbrace\) with two balanced binary trees so that we can instantly compare an element with the median of \(x _ i\) (even without such trick, it is still fast enough to scan from the both ends and determine which reaches the boundary “\(x\) or larger” earlier).

#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ranges>

// A class that manages a sequence.
// The following operations can be done in O(log N) time:
//  - Remove the first / last element
//  - Remove the smallest / largest element
//  - Push an element to the head / tail
//  - Retrieve the smallest / largest element
//  - Retrieve the median
// (More precisely, it stores a set of pairs (i, v) and manages minimum / maximum i and minimum / maximum / median of v)
class sequence {
    using value_type = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
    std::set<value_type> original, small, large;

    // Balances the sizes of the two sets to support median retrieval
    void balance() {
        while (std::size(small) > std::size(large)) {
            large.emplace_hint(std::begin(large), *std::prev(std::end(small)));
        while (std::size(small) + 1 < std::size(large)) {
            small.emplace_hint(std::end(small), *std::begin(large));

    value_type pop_helper(unsigned i, unsigned v) {
        original.erase(std::make_pair(i, v));
        small.erase(std::make_pair(v, i));
        large.erase(std::make_pair(v, i));
        return {i, v};

    void swap(sequence &rhs) {
        using std::swap;
        swap(original, rhs.original);
        swap(small, rhs.small);
        swap(large, rhs.large);

    sequence() = default;

    auto min() const {
        return std::begin(std::empty(small) ? large : small)->first;

    auto mid() const {
        return std::begin(large)->first;

    auto max() const {
        return std::prev(std::end(large))->first;

    void emplace(unsigned long i, unsigned long v) {
        original.emplace(i, v);
        (v < mid() ? small : large).emplace(v, i);

    void emplace(const value_type &value) {
        emplace(value.first, value.second);

    auto empty() const noexcept {
        return std::empty(original);

    auto size() const noexcept {
        return std::size(original);

    auto pop_front() {
        const auto[i, v]{*begin(original)};
        return pop_helper(i, v);

    auto pop_back() {
        const auto[i, v]{*std::prev(std::end(original))};
        return pop_helper(i, v);


    auto pop_min() {
        const auto[v, i]{*std::begin(std::empty(small) ? large : small)};
        return pop_helper(i, v);

    auto pop_max() {
        const auto[v, i]{*std::prev(std::end(large))};
        return pop_helper(i, v);

int main() {
    using namespace std;
    unsigned N;
    cin >> N;

    vector<sequence> sequences(1);
    for (unsigned a; const auto i : views::iota(0U, N)) {
        cin >> a;
        sequences.front().emplace(i, a); // Insert the i-th element A[i]

    unsigned Q;
    cin >> Q;
    sequences.resize(1 + Q);
    for (unsigned t, s, x; const auto i : views::iota(1U, 1 + Q)) {
        cin >> t >> s >> x;
        if (t == 1) { // Transfer the elements later than the x-th
            const auto M{size(sequences[s])};
            if (2 * x < M) { // If the remaining elements are fewer than transferred,
                swap(sequences[s], sequences[i]); // swap them;
                for (const auto _ : views::iota(0U, x)) // for each of the first x elements,
                    sequences[s].emplace(sequences[i].pop_front()); // transfer it from the first element in order;
            } else if (x < M)
                for (const auto _ : views::iota(x, M)) // for each of the last x elements,
                    sequences[i].emplace(sequences[s].pop_back()); // 後ろから順に移動
        } else { // transfer it from the last element in order
            if (x < sequences[s].mid()) { // If x is less than the median,
                swap(sequences[s], sequences[i]); // swap them;
                while (!empty(sequences[i]) && sequences[i].min() <= x) // while an element not exceeding x remains,
                    sequences[s].emplace(sequences[i].pop_min()); // transfer it from the smallest element in order;
            } else
                while (!empty(sequences[s]) && sequences[s].max() > x) // while an element greater than x remains,
                    sequences[i].emplace(sequences[s].pop_max()); // transfer it from the largest elment in order.
        cout << size(sequences[i]) << endl; // Print the size of sequence i
    return 0;

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