B - Multi Test Cases Editorial by en_translator
A multi test-case problem is a problem where an input file contains multiple test cases, and this problem is an instance.
With many test cases in a single input, multi test-case is commonly used to augment the test cases or reduce the input files.
The implementation required for a multi test-case problem is almost the same as for an ordinary problem. The only difference is that you have to write a code that solves the problem \(T\) times instead of once. It can be achieved with a for statement as follows:
int main() {
int T;
cin >> T;
for(int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
// Solve the problem here
Some of you may complain that the deeply nested scope (the part surrounded by the curly braces) is confusing. If you prefer, you may write the answering part in a separate function.
void solve() {
// Solve the problem here
int main() {
int T;
cin >> T;
for(int t = 0; t < T; t++) solve();
Once you write such a code, all that left is implement as usual in the commented place.
Next, we describe how to solve each test case. You can use a for statement to solve it. Specifically, implement the following procedure:
- Receive \(N\) from the input.
- Prepare a variable \(\mathrm{ans}\) to store the answer, initialized with \(0\).
- Receive \(N\) integers from the input with a for statement. For each integer, if it is odd, i.e. indivisible by \(2\), add \(1\) to \(\mathrm{ans}\).
- The resulting \(\mathrm{ans}\) is the answer.
The time complexity is \(\mathrm{O}(N)\), so the time complexity for an input is \(\mathrm{O}(TN)\), which is fast enough.
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