G - Teleporting Takahashi Editorial by LHF

English Editorial:

Without loss of generality, we can only consider the case \(x,y,z\ge 0\).

First, let’s solve the case that the answer is \(0\).

If \(x+y+z>n\) or \((n-x-y-z)\bmod 2=1\), than the answer is \(0\).

Consider the other case in a two-dimensional plane.

Let \(F[k]\) denote a scheme that takes \(x+y+2k\) steps from \((0,0)\) to \((x,y)\).

We have

\[ \begin{aligned} F[k]&=\sum_{i=0}^k\binom {x+y+2k}{x+i\;\;i\;\;y+k-i\;\;k-i}\\ &=\sum_{i=0}^k\binom{x+y+2k}{x+y+k}\binom{x+y+k}{y+k-i}\binom{k}{i}\\ &=\binom{x+y+2k}{x+y+k}\sum_{i=0}^k\binom{x+y+k}{y+k-i}\binom{k}{i}\\ &=\binom{x+y+2k}{x+y+k}\binom{x+y+2k}{y+k} \end{aligned} \]

The last step is equivalent to the number of solutions that have \(x+y+2k\) balls and put them into \(y+k\) boxes. Specifically, we can enumerate how many balls are placed in the last \(k\) box.

And we can insert the third dimension, we can use insertion method to solve it.


不失一般性的,我们假设 \(x,y,z\ge 0\)

我们先判掉答案为 \(0\) 的情况,如果 \(x+y+z\ge n\) 或者 \((n-x-y-z)\bmod 2=1\),则答案为 \(0\)

我们先考虑二维的情况,设 \(F[k]\) 表示走 \(x+y+2k\) 步从 \((0,0)\)\((x,y)\) 的方案数。


\[ \begin{aligned} F[k]&=\sum_{i=0}^k\binom {x+y+2k}{x+i\;\;i\;\;y+k-i\;\;k-i}\\ &=\sum_{i=0}^k\binom{x+y+2k}{x+y+k}\binom{x+y+k}{y+k-i}\binom{k}{i}\\ &=\binom{x+y+2k}{x+y+k}\sum_{i=0}^k\binom{x+y+k}{y+k-i}\binom{k}{i}\\ &=\binom{x+y+2k}{x+y+k}\binom{x+y+2k}{y+k} \end{aligned} \]

其中最后一步转化可以这样理解:我们有 \(x+y+2k\) 个球,我们要从中选出 \(y+k\) 个球,那么我们可以枚举最后 \(k\) 个球中选了多少个,也就是第二步后面的那一坨式子。



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