E - White Pawn Editorial by lucifer1004

Since we can only move down, we will divide the black pawns into groups based on their row number, and process the groups in the ascending order.

We maintain a hash set of the available columns during the processing. A black pawn located in the \(j\)-th column will make the \(j\)-th column unavailable if it is originally available, while if either the \(j-1\)-th column or the \(j+1\)-th column is originally available, the \(j\)-th column will be available regardless of its original state. So we should record the removals and insertions, then handle the removals before handling the insertions.

  • Time complexity is \(\mathcal{O}(N\log N)\).
  • Space complexity is \(\mathcal{O}(N)\).
use std::collections::HashSet;

use proconio::input;

fn main() {
    input! {
        n: usize,
        m: usize,
        mut black: [(usize, usize); m],

    let mut pos: HashSet<usize> = HashSet::new();

    let mut l = 0;
    let mut r = 0;
    while l < m {
        while r + 1 < m && black[r + 1].0 == black[l].0 {
            r += 1;
        let mut insert = vec![];
        let mut remove = vec![];
        for i in l..=r {
            let y = black[i].1;
            if y > 0 && pos.contains(&(y - 1)) {
            if y + 1 <= 2 * n && pos.contains(&(y + 1)) {
        for i in remove {
        for i in insert {
        l = r + 1;

    println!("{}", pos.len());

last update: