Time Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MB
配点 : 400 点
縦 H 行横 W 列のグリッドが与えられます。このグリッドのうち、いくつかのマスには障害物が存在します。
すぬけ君は、障害物のないマスのうち一つを選び、そのマスに明かりを設置しようとしています。 設置されたマスから、上下左右の四方向にまっすぐに光線が伸びます。それぞれの方向について、最初に障害物が存在するマスにぶつかる、もしくはグリッドの端にぶつかる手前のマスまで照らされます。明かりを設置したマスも照らされますが、障害物が存在するマスは照らされません。
H 個の長さ W の文字列 S_i (1 ≤ i ≤ H) が与えられます。S_i の j 文字目 (1 ≤ j ≤ W) が #
のとき、グリッドの上から i 行目で左から j 列目のマスには障害物があり、 .
- 1 ≤ H ≤ 2,000
- 1 ≤ W ≤ 2,000
- S_i は
のみからなる長さ W の文字列 - S_i (1 ≤ i ≤ H) のうちいずれかに
は最低 1 つ存在する
H W S_1 : S_H
入力例 1
4 6 #..#.. .....# ....#. #.#...
出力例 1
すぬけ君が上から 2 行目、左から 2 列目のマスに明かりを設置すると、上から 2 行目のうち左から 1 〜 5 列目のマス、 左から 2 列目のうち上から 1 〜 4 列目のマス全てが照らされ、全部で 8 マスです。
入力例 2
8 8 ..#...#. ....#... ##...... ..###..# ...#..#. ##....#. #...#... ###.#..#
出力例 2
Score : 400 points
Problem Statement
There is a grid with H horizontal rows and W vertical columns, and there are obstacles on some of the squares.
Snuke is going to choose one of the squares not occupied by an obstacle and place a lamp on it. The lamp placed on the square will emit straight beams of light in four cardinal directions: up, down, left, and right. In each direction, the beam will continue traveling until it hits a square occupied by an obstacle or it hits the border of the grid. It will light all the squares on the way, including the square on which the lamp is placed, but not the square occupied by an obstacle.
Snuke wants to maximize the number of squares lighted by the lamp.
You are given H strings S_i (1 \leq i \leq H), each of length W. If the j-th character (1 \leq j \leq W) of S_i is #
, there is an obstacle on the square at the i-th row from the top and the j-th column from the left; if that character is .
, there is no obstacle on that square.
Find the maximum possible number of squares lighted by the lamp.
- 1 \leq H \leq 2,000
- 1 \leq W \leq 2,000
- S_i is a string of length W consisting of
. .
occurs at least once in one of the strings S_i (1 \leq i \leq H).
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
H W S_1 : S_H
Print the maximum possible number of squares lighted by the lamp.
Sample Input 1
4 6 #..#.. .....# ....#. #.#...
Sample Output 1
If Snuke places the lamp on the square at the second row from the top and the second column from the left, it will light the following squares: the first through fifth squares from the left in the second row, and the first through fourth squares from the top in the second column, for a total of eight squares.
Sample Input 2
8 8 ..#...#. ....#... ##...... ..###..# ...#..#. ##....#. #...#... ###.#..#
Sample Output 2