C - Grid Repainting 2 Editorial /

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HW 列のマス目で表されるキャンバスがあります. 上から i 番目, 左から j 番目のマスを (i, j) と表します.
最初, すべてのマス目は白色です. square1001 君は, 黒い絵の具を使って絵を描きたいと思いました. 具体的には, square1001 君の目標は, s_{i, j}= # のときマス (i, j) を黒色, s_{i, j}= . のときマス (i, j) を白色にすることです.
しかし, 彼は絵を描くことが得意ではないので, 何回か (0 回でもよい)「上下左右に隣接する 2 つのマスを選び, 両方黒く塗る」ことしかできません. ただし, すでに黒く塗られているマスを選ぶこともでき, この場合マスの色は黒のまま変わりません.
square1001 君が目標を達成することができるか判定してください.


  • H1 以上 50 以下の整数
  • W1 以上 50 以下の整数
  • すべての (i, j) \ (1 \leq i \leq H, 1 \leq j \leq W) に対して, s_{i, j}# または .



s_{1, 1} s_{1, 2} s_{1, 3} ... s_{1, W}
s_{2, 1} s_{2, 2} s_{2, 3} ... s_{2, W}
  :   :
s_{H, 1} s_{H, 2} s_{H, 3} ... s_{H, W}


square1001 君が目標を達成することができるならば Yes、達成できないならば No と出力しなさい.

入力例 1

3 3

出力例 1


目標を達成する手順の一例として, 下の図の方法が挙げられます. この図では, 「次に黒く塗るマス」を「☆」で表しています.

入力例 2

5 5

出力例 2


square1001 君は目標を達成することができません.

入力例 3

11 11

出力例 3


Score: 300 points

Problem Statement

We have a canvas divided into a grid with H rows and W columns. The square at the i-th row from the top and the j-th column from the left is represented as (i, j).
Initially, all the squares are white. square1001 wants to draw a picture with black paint. His specific objective is to make Square (i, j) black when s_{i, j}= #, and to make Square (i, j) white when s_{i, j}= ..
However, since he is not a good painter, he can only choose two squares that are horizontally or vertically adjacent and paint those squares black, for some number of times (possibly zero). He may choose squares that are already painted black, in which case the color of those squares remain black.
Determine if square1001 can achieve his objective.


  • H is an integer between 1 and 50 (inclusive).
  • W is an integer between 1 and 50 (inclusive).
  • For every (i, j) (1 \leq i \leq H, 1 \leq j \leq W), s_{i, j} is # or ..


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

s_{1, 1} s_{1, 2} s_{1, 3} ... s_{1, W}
s_{2, 1} s_{2, 2} s_{2, 3} ... s_{2, W}
  :   :
s_{H, 1} s_{H, 2} s_{H, 3} ... s_{H, W}


If square1001 can achieve his objective, print Yes; if he cannot, print No.

Sample Input 1

3 3

Sample Output 1


One possible way to achieve the objective is shown in the figure below. Here, the squares being painted are marked by stars.

Sample Input 2

5 5

Sample Output 2


square1001 cannot achieve his objective here.

Sample Input 3

11 11

Sample Output 3
