Submission #22260844
Source Code Expand
import itertoolsclass WarshallFloyd():def __init__(self, N):self.N = Nself.d = [[float("inf") for i in range(N)]for i in range(N)] # d[u][v] : 辺uvのコスト(存在しないときはinf)def add(self, u, v, c, directed=False):"""0-indexedであることに注意u = from, v = to, c = costdirected = Trueなら、有向グラフである"""if directed is False:self.d[u][v] = cself.d[v][u] = celse:self.d[u][v] = cdef WarshallFloyd_search_result(self):
import itertools class WarshallFloyd(): def __init__(self, N): self.N = N self.d = [[float("inf") for i in range(N)] for i in range(N)] # d[u][v] : 辺uvのコスト(存在しないときはinf) def add(self, u, v, c, directed=False): """ 0-indexedであることに注意 u = from, v = to, c = cost directed = Trueなら、有向グラフである """ if directed is False: self.d[u][v] = c self.d[v][u] = c else: self.d[u][v] = c def WarshallFloyd_search_result(self): #不要であればFalseとする USE = [[True] * N for i in range(N)] for k in range(self.N): for i in range(self.N): for j in range(self.N): #矛盾 if self.d[i][j] > self.d[i][k] + self.d[k][j]: return -1 #不要となるコストを引く if self.d[i][j] == self.d[i][k] + self.d[k][j] and i!=k and k!=j: USE[i][j]=False #総コスト ans = 0 for i in range(self.N): for j in range(self.N): if USE[i][j]: ans+=self.d[i][j] #行き来で2回カウントしているため、半分にして返却 return ans//2 N = int(input()) A = [list(map(int, input().split())) for i in range(N)] graph = WarshallFloyd(N) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): graph.add(i, j, A[i][j], True)#Trueにする必要はないけれど気持ち的に print(graph.WarshallFloyd_search_result())
Submission Info
Submission Time | |
Task | D - Restoring Road Network |
User | H20 |
Language | PyPy3 (7.3.0) |
Score | 500 |
Code Size | 1725 Byte |
Status | AC |
Exec Time | 759 ms |
Memory | 71572 KB |
Judge Result
Set Name | Sample | All | ||||
Score / Max Score | 0 / 0 | 500 / 500 | ||||
Status |
Set Name | Test Cases |
Sample | subtask0_0.txt, subtask0_1.txt, subtask0_2.txt, subtask0_3.txt |
All | 01.txt, 02.txt, 03.txt, 04.txt, 05.txt, 06.txt, 07.txt, 08.txt, 09.txt, 10.txt, 11.txt, 12.txt, 13.txt, subtask0_0.txt, subtask0_1.txt, subtask0_2.txt, subtask0_3.txt |
Case Name | Status | Exec Time | Memory |
01.txt | AC | 759 ms | 71236 KB |
02.txt | AC | 456 ms | 71228 KB |
03.txt | AC | 447 ms | 71424 KB |
04.txt | AC | 418 ms | 71140 KB |
05.txt | AC | 411 ms | 71408 KB |
06.txt | AC | 399 ms | 71384 KB |
07.txt | AC | 84 ms | 69512 KB |
08.txt | AC | 404 ms | 71572 KB |
09.txt | AC | 404 ms | 71548 KB |
10.txt | AC | 89 ms | 69856 KB |
11.txt | AC | 79 ms | 69684 KB |
12.txt | AC | 84 ms | 69440 KB |
13.txt | AC | 49 ms | 62120 KB |
subtask0_0.txt | AC | 54 ms | 62344 KB |
subtask0_1.txt | AC | 54 ms | 62276 KB |
subtask0_2.txt | AC | 51 ms | 62096 KB |
subtask0_3.txt | AC | 51 ms | 62036 KB |