D - Mixing Experiment Editorial /

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物質Cを生成するためには、タイプAの物質とタイプBの物質の混合比が M_a:M_b となる溶液を用意する必要があります。
薬局では、N 種類の薬品を取り扱っており、各薬品 i の在庫はちょうど1つです。
各薬品 i は、タイプAの物質 a_i グラム、タイプBの物質 b_i グラム含んでおり、価格 c_i 円で売られています。


  • 1≦N≦40
  • 1≦a_i,b_i≦10
  • 1≦c_i≦100
  • 1≦M_a,M_b≦10
  • gcd(M_a,M_b)=1
  • a_ib_ic_iM_aM_bは整数である。



N M_a M_b  
a_1 b_1 c_1  
a_2 b_2 c_2
a_N b_N c_N  


物質Cを生成するために必要な最小予算を出力せよ。物質Cを生成できない場合には -1 を出力せよ。

入力例 1

3 1 1
1 2 1
2 1 2
3 3 10

出力例 1


最小予算となる組み合わせは、薬品 1 と薬品 2 を混合する場合です。
この場合、混合した溶液中に物質Aは 3 グラム、物質Bは 3 グラム含まれており、混合比は 3:3=1:1 となって条件を満たします。
このときの合計価格は 3 円となります。

入力例 2

1 1 10
10 10 10

出力例 2


物質Aと物質Bの混合比が 1:10 となる薬品の組み合わせはないので、-1を出力します。   

Score : 400 points

Problem Statement

Dolphin is planning to generate a small amount of a certain chemical substance C.
In order to generate the substance C, he must prepare a solution which is a mixture of two substances A and B in the ratio of M_a:M_b.
He does not have any stock of chemicals, however, so he will purchase some chemicals at a local pharmacy.
The pharmacy sells N kinds of chemicals. For each kind of chemical, there is exactly one package of that chemical in stock.
The package of chemical i contains a_i grams of the substance A and b_i grams of the substance B, and is sold for c_i yen (the currency of Japan).
Dolphin will purchase some of these packages. For some reason, he must use all contents of the purchased packages to generate the substance C.
Find the minimum amount of money required to generate the substance C.
If it is not possible to generate the substance C by purchasing any combination of packages at the pharmacy, report that fact.


  • 1≦N≦40
  • 1≦a_i,b_i≦10
  • 1≦c_i≦100
  • 1≦M_a,M_b≦10
  • gcd(M_a,M_b)=1
  • a_i, b_i, c_i, M_a and M_b are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

N M_a M_b  
a_1 b_1 c_1  
a_2 b_2 c_2
a_N b_N c_N  


Print the minimum amount of money required to generate the substance C. If it is not possible to generate the substance C, print -1 instead.

Sample Input 1

3 1 1
1 2 1
2 1 2
3 3 10

Sample Output 1


The amount of money spent will be minimized by purchasing the packages of chemicals 1 and 2.
In this case, the mixture of the purchased chemicals will contain 3 grams of the substance A and 3 grams of the substance B, which are in the desired ratio: 3:3=1:1.
The total price of these packages is 3 yen.

Sample Input 2

1 1 10
10 10 10

Sample Output 2


The ratio 1:10 of the two substances A and B cannot be satisfied by purchasing any combination of the packages. Thus, the output should be -1.