Ranking Active Users Last Updated:


Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(12601) 26481 Gin101 2009 544 578 33 0
(12602) 52074 Gin5567 2004 130 257 9 0
(12603) 11794 GinLee AACPSCHOOL 2008 1040 1048 25 0
(12604) 103919 GinOwO 2003 3 3 1 0
(12605) 30174 GinRicky 1995 452 501 13 0
(12606) 46009 Gin_K 179 179 7 0
(12607) 6472 GingerMan 1376 1656 17 0
(12608) 100112 Ginger_1 2001 6 6 2 0
(12609) 96387 Ginger_Snap 2004 8 8 1 0
(12610) 8701 Ginger_he 2008 1216 1216 20 0
(12611) 89046 Gingka06 2005 14 14 1 0
(12612) 41402 Gingoo 232 232 4 0
(12613) 101993 Ginika 1997 5 5 1 0
(12614) 11124 Ginkgo_ 1075 1075 10 0
(12615) 106332 Gins 2001 2 2 1 0
(12616) 68240 Gintokii 2003 55 55 2 0
(12617) 74326 Giorgi123gml 2000 38 38 1 0
(12618) 87364 GiorgioRP 16 16 1 0
(12619) 18268 Giovanni1934 The University of Electro-Communications 1998 792 804 59 0
(12620) 53516 GiovanniLOS IFB Taguatinga 1998 120 120 11 0
(12621) 35620 Girafee 2003 326 353 27 0
(12622) 93872 Gireeraj 2003 10 10 1 0
(12623) 58049 Giri_27 2004 95 95 3 0
(12624) 38450 Giri_Sumanth 2003 274 274 9 0
(12625) 76546 Giridhar 2003 33 33 4 0
(12626) 32958 Giridhartata 2002 389 389 6 0
(12627) 58436 Girin 1999 93 93 4 0
(12628) 76984 Giriraj_Roy 2001 32 32 2 0
(12629) 106332 GirishKumar NIT Andhra Pradesh 2003 2 2 1 0
(12630) 73926 Girus 1997 39 39 10 0
(12631) 51483 Gismet 2003 134 153 13 0
(12632) 68240 Gisu_noname 55 55 2 0
(12633) 88218 Gisuko 15 15 4 0
(12634) 20060 Gisuperu 730 731 57 0
(12635) 22245 Gitanshu Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad 2004 663 663 3 0
(12636) 95230 Giyu49 india 2003 9 9 1 0
(12637) 45300 Gizzard Toyota Technological Institute 2002 186 186 7 0
(12638) 98113 Gjs 7 7 1 0
(12639) 6707 GjyBilly 1357 1379 31 0
(12640) 106332 Gkc2022 2002 2 2 1 0
(12641) 103919 Gkgoyal 3 3 1 0
(12642) 78462 GlAY 2001 29 29 3 0
(12643) 12640 Glacialte Osaka University 2001 999 1027 74 0
(12644) 12959 Glader 2022 985 1035 39 0
(12645) 106332 Gladiator_goku 2004 2 2 1 0
(12646) 81836 Gladiolus 2001 23 23 2 0
(12647) 24443 Gladvenom 2003 600 600 10 0
(12648) 61490 Glalie 1996 79 79 4 0
(12649) 59255 Glamorgan 2004 89 111 4 0
(12650) 26044 Glan_Sheep 2006 555 609 45 0
(12651) 72283 Glares 43 43 2 0
(12652) 11881 Glass__dog 2006 1035 1113 4 0
(12653) 46337 Glassdoor 2003 176 176 5 0
(12654) 76076 Glasssword 2001 34 34 1 0
(12655) 21712 Glassy_Sky 2023 679 679 2 0
(12656) 52910 Glassylip 1994 124 124 11 0
(12657) 101993 Glastan_jose Anna university 2003 5 5 1 0
(12658) 24248 Glastrier 605 605 4 0
(12659) 10998 Glauco 2005 1081 1081 11 0
(12660) 48404 Glauke 学生 2005 158 158 9 0
(12661) 18543 Glaziola 2000 782 892 57 0
(12662) 100112 Gleb_Ilmanov 2004 6 6 1 0
(12663) 59033 Glebegor 2007 90 90 4 0
(12664) 52338 Gleefre 2004 128 128 1 0
(12665) 33831 Glendon 367 367 2 0
(12666) 73926 GlennIshu 1999 39 39 8 0
(12667) 19316 Gliese_ 2005 754 861 15 0
(12668) 67589 Glin 2004 57 57 4 0
(12669) 13507 GlinTFraulein 2000 962 1082 87 0
(12670) 14006 Glitch00 940 940 26 0
(12671) 74326 Glitch_found 2002 38 38 3 0
(12672) 40124 GloPet 249 309 30 0
(12673) 91094 Gloam 2004 12 12 2 0
(12674) 15021 Gloria_GEM 2006 899 1042 30 0
(12675) 79500 Glow 2003 27 27 1 0
(12676) 23829 GlowCheese VNU University of Engineering and Technology 2004 617 886 2 0
(12677) 89046 GlowHP татарин 2002 14 14 2 0
(12678) 59033 Glu_TtoNy 2003 90 90 1 0
(12679) 36887 Glukhov_D 2006 301 301 3 0
(12680) 1343 Gmacem 2026 2042 10 0
(12681) 66965 Gmanrejuan 59 59 3 0
(12682) 91094 Gmes 2009 12 12 1 0
(12683) 80094 Gminor 2004 26 26 1 0
(12684) 38198 GmtFFF tree 2022 278 278 3 0
(12685) 81836 Gmy1 2005 23 23 3 0
(12686) 92332 GnAsBK HaNoi 2000 11 11 2 0
(12687) 77961 GnanaPrakash 2002 30 30 7 0
(12688) 32550 Gnaw2 400 466 2 0
(12689) 46522 Go03 2003 174 174 5 0
(12690) 10683 Go8 1999 1099 1099 23 0
(12691) 50263 GoAvalon 2020 143 143 2 0
(12692) 47187 GoGoKitamura 1991 168 168 17 0
(12693) 71213 GoLee 1996 46 46 2 0
(12694) 63554 GoRuGoo NITTC 2005 71 71 6 0
(12695) 3346 GoSagawa 1699 1781 204 0
(12696) 7688 GoaTom__ 1282 1282 11 0
(12697) 8172 GoatBoi 2005 1249 1271 13 0
(12698) 37173 GoatMessi NIT Hamirpur 2002 296 421 12 0
(12699) 3480 GoatTamer 1683 1847 40 0
(12700) 98113 Goatpm10 7 7 2 0