Ranking Active Users Last Updated:



Rank User Birth Rating Highest Match Win
(2501) 4304 hiro71687 Osaka University 2001 1595 1863 196 0
(2502) 71213 hiro_autumn Nagoya City University Faculty of Medicine 1998 46 46 4 0
(2503) 50519 hirokinn Keio Univercity 2003 141 164 13 0
(2504) 8401 hiromi1630 Chiba University 2005 1234 1390 140 0
(2505) 6337 hiromu Tsukuba University 1386 1561 7 0
(2506) 28676 hiroya20201225 Kobe Univ 2000 489 538 59 0
(2507) 1061 hiryuN Chiba Univ 2003 2062 2062 114 0
(2508) 6658 hit7sh Graphic Era University 2001 1361 1361 49 0
(2509) 88218 hitesh03 Delhi Technological University 2003 15 15 2 0
(2510) 59681 hiteshrajain03 Lovely Professional University, Punjab 2003 87 87 4 0
(2511) 2777 hjcafaroUC University of Chicago 2002 1782 1782 7 0
(2512) 106332 hjrQAQ Nanjing University 2003 2 2 1 0
(2513) 8091 hkawaguc Rikkyo Univ 1974 1254 1510 193 0
(2514) 53069 hkmatsumoto Keio University 2001 123 123 4 0
(2515) 3007 hl666 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 2003 1746 1746 12 0
(2516) 75612 hm3623851 Sharif University of Technology 2002 35 35 4 0
(2517) 37790 hnust_chengqiyu Hunan University of Science and Technology 285 285 9 0
(2518) 30081 hnust_chenwanjun Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 454 522 27 0
(2519) 44749 hnust_dengjiay Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 192 192 10 0
(2520) 30956 hnust_fengmq Hunan University of Science and Technology 433 433 9 0
(2521) 66659 hnust_gongkai Hunan University of Science and Technology 60 60 4 0
(2522) 33955 hnust_hejianlin Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 364 364 18 0
(2523) 11103 hnust_huangjiax Hunan University of Science and Technology 2005 1076 1076 18 0
(2524) 32440 hnust_huangxr Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 402 402 14 0
(2525) 42020 hnust_huoyingzi Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 224 224 13 0
(2526) 60574 hnust_jiaxiangf Hunan University of Science and Technology 2001 83 83 5 0
(2527) 30678 hnust_leiyong Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 440 440 12 0
(2528) 39827 hnust_liangchen Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 253 253 8 0
(2529) 14726 hnust_lianghan Hunan University of Science and Technology 2005 910 960 16 0
(2530) 49625 hnust_linxc Hunan University of Science and Technology 148 148 5 0
(2531) 14609 hnust_linzhenbin Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 915 915 15 0
(2532) 57640 hnust_liubingbo Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 97 97 5 0
(2533) 27852 hnust_liuxinran Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 509 509 14 0
(2534) 48619 hnust_liuyang Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 156 156 5 0
(2535) 11158 hnust_liuyunzhi Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 1073 1083 29 0
(2536) 4867 hnust_lizhongyu Hunan University of Science and Technology 1529 1600 45 0
(2537) 44107 hnust_luoxiangz Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 199 199 6 0
(2538) 44392 hnust_penglius Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 196 196 6 0
(2539) 19702 hnust_qvwi Hunan University of Science and Technology 742 742 15 0
(2540) 48619 hnust_shenjiexun Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 156 156 7 0
(2541) 37990 hnust_ss Hunan University of Science and Technology 2005 282 282 4 0
(2542) 51790 hnust_wangxiaoj Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 132 132 5 0
(2543) 89046 hnust_wangzhen Hunan University of Science and Technology 2005 14 14 1 0
(2544) 3804 hnust_wanjiawen Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 1646 1646 50 0
(2545) 4569 hnust_wenshuai Hunan University of Science and Technology 1563 1596 36 0
(2546) 38635 hnust_wunengwu Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 271 271 21 0
(2547) 23384 hnust_wuzhanpeng Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 630 630 14 0
(2548) 27852 hnust_xiahuax Hunan University of Science and Technology 2005 509 619 17 0
(2549) 17536 hnust_xiangjias Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 814 913 26 0
(2550) 16343 hnust_yanghuaiy Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 851 851 12 0
(2551) 7966 hnust_yangzimo Hunan University of Science and Technology 2004 1262 1267 26 0
(2552) 39377 hnust_zengchen Hnuan University of Science and Technology 2003 260 260 5 0
(2553) 57640 hnust_zhangyuej Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 97 97 6 0
(2554) 59471 hnust_zhangziyue Hunan University of Science and Technology 88 88 7 0
(2555) 20011 hnust_zhaowenjie Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 732 732 9 0
(2556) 40254 hnust_zhoujiaxin Hunan University of Science and Technology 2003 247 247 9 0
(2557) 14358 hnust_zhuayang Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 925 925 8 0
(2558) 13483 hoboki Osaka University 1998 963 963 26 0
(2559) 4404 hoki University of Tsukuba 2000 1582 1665 197 0
(2560) 19580 hokki Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 2000 746 746 62 0
(2561) 83924 holmes16 Yonsei University 1998 20 20 1 0
(2562) 41617 honos645 The University of Miyazaki 2001 229 254 20 0
(2563) 101993 horaman Tokyo University of Science 2003 5 5 1 0
(2564) 7417 horitaka Tohoku University 1999 1303 1425 97 0
(2565) 42483 hosi The University of Electro-Communications 2002 218 218 21 0
(2566) 17038 hotep Yokohama National University 2005 829 982 111 0
(2567) 2304 hoxosh The University of Electro-Communications 1983 1863 2187 211 0
(2568) 63004 hprogq Dalian University of Foreign Languages 2005 73 90 4 0
(2569) 89950 hri_doy International Standard University 2003 13 13 2 0
(2570) 33913 hri_s_era__ Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology 2000 365 365 14 0
(2571) 74750 hrushith_koduri Mahindra University 2003 37 37 2 0
(2572) 27222 hscho Seoul National University 1996 525 588 4 0
(2573) 7291 ht177970 National Chiao Tung University 2005 1312 1362 55 0
(2574) 39766 html_programmer Comilla University 254 254 13 0
(2575) 63285 httus Tokyo University of Science 2001 72 72 5 0
(2576) 17038 htutui Hokkaido University 829 875 81 0
(2577) 7106 hu_yi_yang Junior Middle School of No.2 High School Affiliated to East China Normal University 2012 1324 1324 89 0
(2578) 15433 huicpc1022 Hunan University 1990 884 947 28 0
(2579) 2134 huikang Singapore University of Technology and Design 1996 1897 1945 75 0
(2580) 1149 hulahula3247 Sogang University 2000 2049 2049 7 0
(2581) 106332 hungdungn47 University of Engineering and Technology 2004 2 2 1 0
(2582) 43913 hunst_wangweiq Hunan University of Science and Technology 2002 201 201 10 0
(2583) 106332 hussain_14 Chandigarh University 2001 2 2 1 0
(2584) 44945 hvmegy University of Technology and Education 2004 190 190 2 0
(2585) 52338 hxia Zhejiang University 1998 128 128 4 0
(2586) 26415 hy8484 Osaka University 1998 546 612 21 0
(2587) 23474 hyenje29 Ajou University 2002 627 738 12 0
(2588) 59255 hyoc Sungkyunkwan University 89 115 3 0
(2589) 2611 hyperReality University of Science and Technology of China 1811 1811 18 0
(2590) 3440 hyperion1019 Seoul National University 2001 1689 1689 51 0
(2591) 30425 hysics Nagoya University 446 526 36 0
(2592) 4013 i8fbnkyw Ritsumeikan University 1999 1622 1663 89 0
(2593) 8029 iCloud Kyoto University 1998 1258 1381 149 0
(2594) 596 iFFT Sichuan University 2005 2253 2253 12 0
(2595) 93872 iOG Netaji Subhas University of Technology 2004 10 10 1 0
(2596) 44003 i_am_codecracker Institute of Technology, Nirma University 1999 200 236 12 0
(2597) 47652 i_am_saurav10 Punjab Technical University 2001 164 171 9 0
(2598) 8284 i_emerge16 University of the Philippines - Los Baños 2003 1241 1241 44 0
(2599) 154 i_love_chickpea University of Warsaw 2721 3038 16 0
(2600) 44587 i_love_sabnaj Jashore University of Science and Technology 2002 194 331 10 0